Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager


George Small, P.E., Engineering Director

Kumar Neppalli, E.I.T.,  Engineering Services Manager


On-Street Parking Restrictions on Coolidge Street between South Columbia Street and Dawes Street


November 19, 2007




Enactment of the attached ordinance would prohibit on-street parking on both sides of Coolidge Street between South Columbia Street and Dawes Street.  An area map is provided in Attachment 1.




At its October 8, 2007 meeting, the Council received and referred a petition from a resident requesting implementation of “no parking-tow away” zones in the 400 block of Coolidge Street.   A copy of the petition is provided in Attachment 2.  


The petitioner stated that vehicles are often parked on both sides of Coolidge Street in this area, restricting access for both emergency and routine service vehicles and creating difficult driving conditions for residents and visitors.  The petitioner requested that the Council approve a “no parking-tow away” zone in 400 block of Coolidge Street which would be consistent with existing on-street parking regulations on nearby streets.

Coolidge Street is 18 to 20 feet wide in the area of the 400 block.  The street is unpaved with two-way traffic circulation between Dawes Street and Old Pittsboro Street; and it is paved with one-way traffic westbound only between South Columbia Street and Old Pittsboro Street. The posted speed limit is 25 mph and on-street parking is currently allowed by residential permit only on both sides of the full length of Coolidge Street, Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. On-street parking is allowed without permit during the remaining night and weekend times.

Staff from the Engineering and Fire Departments conducted field investigations at various times. We observed that, when cars are parked on both sides of Coolidge Street between Dawes Street and South Columbia Street, the street is effectively reduced to one travel lane, inhibiting two-way vehicular traffic and often leaving insufficient travel lane width for reasonable access by fire trucks and routine service vehicles. 


We prepared a survey form describing the proposed parking restrictions and solicited comments from neighborhood residents. We distributed 9 survey forms to the residents between South Columbia Street and Dawes Street and 7 were returned with 4 supporting and 3 opposing the proposed parking restrictions.  


Based on our field observations and discussions with emergency and routine service providers, we have prepared the attached ordinance that would restrict on-street parking on both sides of Coolidge Street between South Columbia Street and Dawes Street.  On-street parking regulations (Currently parking by permit) on Coolidge Street between Dawes Street and to its end will allow the residents to continue to park on the street.




Based on our observations, we believe that the proposed on-street parking restrictions on Coolidge Street would improve access and mobility for emergency and routine service vehicles and local residents and their visitors. 


That the Council enact the attached ordinance that would prohibit on-street parking on both sides of Coolidge Street between South Columbia Street and Dawes Street.


  1. Map of Recommended On-Street Parking Restricted Area (p. 4).
  2. Petition (p. 5).