TO: Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager
FROM: Brian Curran, Chief of Police
Jim Huegerich, Director of Crisis & Human Services
Kenneth C. Pennoyer, Business Management Director
SUBJECT: Budget Ordinance Amendment for Acceptance of Project Turn Around Grants
DATE: September 22, 2008
The attached resolution would authorize the acceptance of grants to support Project Turn Around (PTA) adult and juvenile programs.
Project Turn Around is a program for first time drug offenders and those who are involved in non-violent crimes with a documented substance abuse problem. Project Turn Around provides an alternative to incarceration and seeks to keep participants from committing a second drug related offense. The program serves Orange and Chatham counties.
Each year the Police Department solicits funds from outside sources to support Project Turn Around. This year, PTA has received notification of $65,424 from outside funding sources. Other funding sources include $12,478 that will carry forward from fiscal year 2007-2008; $29,505 will be collected in client fees; and $36,223 will come from a transfer from other Police Department funds. The program funds one Juvenile Case Manager and two Adult positions, which currently exist in the Town’s personnel ordinance.
For fiscal year 2008-09, Orange County has allocated county funding for Project Turn Around in the amount of $64,424. This grant provides $44,424 in funds for an Adult Case Manager and $20,000 supports a Juvenile Case Manager.
The Town of Carrboro allocated $1,000 in support of PTA.
That the Council adopt the attached resolution to accept the grants from Orange County and Town of Carrboro and enact the budget amendment to include all funding sources in the Grants Fund.