to:                  Mayor and Town Council


from:            Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager


subject:      Land Use Management Ordinance Text Amendments – Bicycle and Vehicular Parking Regulations


date:            October 27, 2008




Enactment of the attached ordinance would change the Land Use Management Ordinance provisions regarding vehicular and bicycle parking regulations for various types of developments, and handicap parking requirements to correspond with Americans with Disabilities Act standards.




I recommend that the Council enact the attached revised Ordinance to amend the Land Use Management Ordinance provisions for vehicular and the bicycle parking requirements as described in this memorandum.  The Ordinance has been revised to provide a reference to the Design Manual bicycle and vehicular parking standards.


Our recommendation regarding multi-family developments is 1 bicycle parking space per 4 residential units.  The Council could adjust this requirement to be 1 bicycle parking space per 3 residential units, if desired.


[See also attached staff memorandum]