Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager


Tina Vaughn, Housing Director
Glenn Davis, Special Projects and Operations Coordinator


Utility Easement for Public Service of North Carolina (PSNC) Energy, Inc.


November 10, 2008


The purpose of this report is to authorize an agreement with Public Service of North Carolina (PSNC) Energy, Inc. that would grant a utility easement on a parcel of land owned by the Town of Chapel Hill.

The attached resolution would authorize the Town Manager to execute an agreement with PSNC.


During the comprehensive renovation work that is in progress at the North Columbia Street public housing neighborhood, a gas leak was discovered.  When PSNC repaired the gas leak, they determined that the existing gas lines needed to be replaced. There is not a recorded easement for these existing utilities. PSNC needs an easement in order to go out onto Town’s property and replace the gas lines.  

The proposed utility easement is along the east side of North Columbia Street between Caldwell and Stephens Streets.  The affected Town property is located on North Columbia Street and is the site of the North Columbia Street public housing development. The property is shown on the attached map (Please see Attachment 1).

The proposed easement would be ten feet from the centerline of the gas pipeline. It would provide for installing, repairing, and removing gas pipeline equipment for the transportation and control of natural gas across and into Town property.


If the Council grants a utility easement then enough space would be provided to enable PSNC to install underground utilities along the street frontage of North Columbia Street.  PSNC will have the right to ingress and egress over and across the easement area for obtaining access to and from the gas pipeline.

If the easement is granted and the utilities are installed as planned then it would be necessary for PSNC to coordinate the work with the contractor for the North Columbia Street renovations so that the completion of the renovation work will not be delayed.  At this time a schedule for the work has not been provided to Town staff. However, it is our understanding the utility installation would occur after the easement is granted.


That the Council adopt the attached resolution authorizing the Town Manager to execute an agreement with Public Service North Carolina (PSNC) Energy, Inc. to grant a  utility easement on a parcel of Town-owned property.


  1. Map of Proposed Easement (p. 4).