
to:                  Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager

from:            J.B. Culpepper, Planning Director

David Bonk, Long Range and Transportation Planning Manager

subject:      Safe Routes to School Grant Application

date:            January 26, 2009


Adoption of the attached resolution would authorize the Town Manager to submit application for a North Carolina Safe Routes to School Grant. 

This memorandum provides information on the North Carolina Safe Routes to School Grant application process. The grant application will be in the amount of $165,500.  We recommend that the Council adopt the attached Resolution authorizing the Town Manager to submit a Safe Routes to School Grant application.


The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) launched the North Carolina Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program in September 2006.  The North Carolina SRTS program has issued a call for grant applications.   The Town submitted a similar application in 2007-2008; although the town was not awarded the grant, NCDOT encouraged the town to resubmit this year.

The grant provides funding through the SRTS Division of NCDOT to encourage students to safely walk or bicycle to school.   There are no matching funds required but projects will be reimbursed only upon completion. The Town will be required to enter into a reimbursement agreement if awarded the grant with NCDOT.   The Town must agree to accept all maintenance responsibilities for any facilities constructed which will be specified in the reimbursement agreement between the Town and NCDOT.   The SRTS Division of NCDOT must receive the grant application by January 30, 2009.   Grant application requires coordination and cooperation with Chapel Hill-Carrboro schools and endorsement from the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization.


The Town staff has prepared a SRTS grant application that requests funding for sidewalk to be completed in front of Phillips Middle School continuing on the north side of Estes Drive to the entry of the Somerset Subdivision as well as funding for countdown pedestrian heads.  Other issues are to be addressed in the grant such as training and promotions. Funding for student and parent safety workshops as well as promotional materials are included in the grant request.  The administrative cost associated with training, promotion and administration of construction will not be provided with the funding and is expected to be undertaken with existing staff resources.  Transportation planning staff currently manages the Town’s sidewalk construction program. The current program utilizes both federal and local bond funds for sidewalk construction. Planning staff coordinates with Engineering and Public Works staff to implement new sidewalk construction. Staff must also coordinate with the North Carolina Department of Transportation for construction of sidewalks along State roads. The Town must agree to assume all maintenance costs for new sidewalks. The grant application requires information based on the following five “E”s:







We recommend that the Council adopt the attached resolution indicating support for the Safe Routes to School Grant.  If awarded the grant, the Town would have the opportunity to review the terms of the grant and decide whether to accept it.  The Town is required to pay the costs of the project with reimbursement after the project is complete.  There are no matching funds required for the grant.