
to:                  Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager

from:            J. B. Culpepper, Planning Director

                        Gene Poveromo, Development Manager

subject:      Concept Plan: Murray Hill Multi-family Development, 210 Meadowmont Lane

date:            February 16, 2009


Tonight, the Council considers a Concept Plan from Scott Murray for the Murray Hill multi-family development in Meadowmont. The applicant proposes to construct 16 dwelling units including 40,000 square feet of floor area on a 1.17- acre site.  Parking for 32 vehicles is also proposed. In accordance with the Land Use Management Ordinance, there has been no staff review of this Concept Plan.


This development proposal does not meet the land use intensity thresholds requiring Council review however the applicant has requested Town Council review.


October 23, 1995                    The Town Council approves a Master Plan for Meadowmont. The plan includes a site for a wellness center and a proposed transit corridor easement.  The proposed wellness center site on the adopted Master Land Use Plan (attached) included the area encumbered by tonight’s proposed concept plan

May 6, 1997                            Triangle Transit Authority informs the Town of a preferred realignment of the transit corridor easement along Meadowmont Lane (see attached letter).  The realignment bisects the proposed wellness center site into two parcels (see attached map).

July 3. 1997                             The realignment to the transit corridor easement is approved as part of the Meadowmont Infrastructure Special Use Permit.

February 14, 2000                   The Town Council approves a Special Use Permit for the UNC Wellness Center.  The approved Special Use Permit site plan (see attached map) did not include the area on the east side of the transit easement (site of tonight’s proposed concept plan.)

January 28, 2009                     The Community Design Commission reviewed a Concept Plan for Murray Hill multi-family development including a 2008  letter from the Triangle Transit Authority.

Summary Minutes from the January 28, 2009 Community Design Commission meeting are attached. The proposal reviewed by the Community Design Commission is identical to the proposal before the Council tonight.

The Land Use Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Plan, identifies the site as Low Density, 1-4 dwellings/acre. The property is located in Meadowmont.

We anticipate this proposed use will require a modification of the Meadowmont Master Land Use Plan, a modification of the UNC Wellness Special Use Permit, and a possible rezoning.


The Town has received a proposal from Scott Murray for a Concept Plan Review for Murray Hill multi-family development, located at 210 Meadowmont Lane in Meadowmont.  The Concept Plan proposes to construct 16 townhomes and parking for 32 vehicles on a 1.17-acre site.

The proposed development is located on the northwest corner at the intersection of Meadowmont Lane and Sprunt Street, between the UNC Wellness Center and a 50-foot wide transit corridor easement in Meadowmont.  Access to the site is proposed from both Meadowmont Lane (across the transit easement) and Sprunt Street. The site is located in the Residential-5-Conditional (R-5-C) zoning district and the Watershed Protection District. The site is identified as Orange County Parcel Identifier Number 9798-75-3407.


The Town Council and Community Design Commission, in examining Concept Plan proposals, are to consider the various aspects of design, with special emphasis on whether the proposed development is consistent with the Town’s Design Guidelines and the Goals and Objectives of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan.

The Concept Plan review process does not involve staff evaluation of the proposal. Review of the submitted Concept Plan is conducted by the Community Design Commission and, in some instances, the Town Council.

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 4.3 of the Town’s Land Use Management Ordinance, tonight’s Concept Plan review affords Council members the opportunity to provide individual reactions to the overall concept of the development which is being contemplated for future application. 


We recommend that the Council review this Concept Plan, receive comments from citizens, and adopt the attached Resolution transmitting comments to the applicant.


  1. Section 4.3 Concept Plan Review, Land Use Management Ordinance (p. 5).
  2. November 12, 2008 Community Design Commission Concept Plan Summary (p. 8).
  3. Meadowmont Master Land Use Plan [620 KB pdf] (p. 11).
  4. Letter from Triangle Transit Authority May 6, 1997 [569 KB pdf] (p. 12).
  5. Transit Corridor Alignment Revision Plan [8.8 MB pdf] (p. 14).
  6. Wellness Center Special Use Permit site plan [140 KB pdf] (p. 15).
  7. Letter from Triangle Transit Authority 2008 [136 KB pdf] (p. 16).
  8. Concept Plan application materials [8.2 MB pdf] (p. 18).
  9. Area Map (p. 40).


[See also Town Manager’s Memorandum]