to:                  Mayor and Town Council

from:            Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager

subject:      Residences at Grove Park at 425 Hillsborough Street, Zoning Atlas Amendment    and Special Use Permit Applications

date:            February 23, 2009


Tonight the Council continues the Public Hearings from March 10, April 21, June 9, September 17, October 15, November 10, November 24, 2008 and January 12, 2009 for the Zoning Atlas Amendment application and Special Use Permit application for the Residences at Grove Park development. The site is located between Hillsborough Street and Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. at 425 and 429 Hillsborough Street and 624 and 626 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. The purpose of this cover memorandum is to forward the Town Manager’s recommendations to the Council.


A text amendment to the Land Use Management Ordinance, amending the Residential-Special Standards-Conditional zoning district was approved on November 24, 2008.


Based on the information in the record to date, I believe that the Council could make the findings required to approve: 1) the request for a Zoning Atlas Amendment, rezoning the 12.9-acre site from Residential-4 (R-4) and Residential-6 (R-6) to the amended Residential-Special Standards-Conditional district; and 2) the application for a Special Use Permit.


My recommendation is that the Council: 1) enact an Ordinance to rezone the site from Residential-4 and Residential-6 to the amended Residential-Special Standards-Conditional (R-SS-C) zoning district and 2) adopt revised Resolution A approving the Special Use Permit.