Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager


Kenneth C. Pennoyer, Business Management Director

Sabrina Oliver, Communications and Public Affairs Director

Catherine Lazorko, Public Information Officer


Budget Ordinance and Resolution to Accept the e-NC Authority Grant


March 9, 2009


The purpose of this report is to provide information regarding the award announced by the Public, Education or Government (PEG) Channel Capital Expenditure Grant Program of the e-NC Authority and to recommend amending the budget to reflect an increase as a result of the grant award.  The grant funds will be passed-through to The Peoples Channel as a sub-grantee.  The Peoples Channel will use this funding for equipment to support their operations.  The attached resolution, if approved, formally accepts the grant as awarded. The budget ordinance appropriates the grant funds so that they can be distributed to The People’s Channel.


In November of 2008 the Town of Chapel Hill made application to the PEG Channel Capital Expenditure Grant Program of the e-NC Authority on behalf of The Peoples Channel.  The Town received a similar an e-NC Authority grant award in June of 2008.  The Peoples Channel represented by the Town, was successful in receiving from the e-NC Authority a $24,991.20 grant (Attachment 1). The dollar for dollar matching requirement for the grant will be provided by The Peoples Channel. 

Administered by the e-NC Authority, the Capital Expenditure Grant Program for Qualified PEG (Public, Education and Government) Channels was created by the N.C. General Assembly. Local governments with PEG channels that are certified with the N.C. Department of Revenue were given the opportunity to apply for the grant and each applicant was eligible to request up to $25,000 in funding per fiscal year.


That Council adopt the attached Resolution and enact the Budget Ordinance authorizing acceptance of the e-NC grant.


  1. Grant Notification Letter (p. 4).