
Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager


Ray (Butch) Kisiah, Parks and Recreation Director
Bill Webster, Assistant Parks and Recreation Director
Kenneth C. Pennoyer, Business Management Director


Acceptance of a Grant for Renovation Design for the Bolin Creek Trail


March 9, 2009


Adoption of the attached resolution would accept a $15,000 grant from the Friends of Chapel Hill Parks, Recreation, and Greenways for design work related to renovation of the existing Bolin Creek Trail.


Phase I of the Bolin Creek Trail, from Martin Luther King Junior Blvd to Elizabeth Street was completed in 1994. Phase II, which extended the trail to Community Center Park was completed in 1998.

The Friends of Chapel Hill Parks and Recreation Department is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation that was started in 1992. The organization does business as The Friends of Chapel Hill Parks, Recreation, and Greenways. In 2008 the organization received $250,000 from the estate of former Town Council member Joe Herzenberg to be used for the Bolin Creek Trail. Since its inception The Friends of Chapel Hill Parks, Recreation, and Greenways has served as a place where citizens can send tax deductible grants to support the mission of the Parks and Recreation Department. Most grants are less than $100 and are restricted by the donor for particular purposes. For example the Friends organization receives many small grants and gifts earmarked for the Hargraves Center. In 2008 donations and interest earnings, excluding the Herzenberg funds, totaled about $5,900. Expenditures totaled $3,900. Because of the size and importance of the Herzenberg gift the Board of the Friends has returned to full strength and has added local greenway and open space advocates. The Board currently consists of 5 past and current Greenways Commission members, a Town staff member, and 2 citizens active in the local community.


Portions of the existing Bolin Creek Trail are beginning to show signs of aging. There is a need to replace pavement sections, address drainage issues, remove encroachments near the trail surface, replace bollards, and replace signs. We think that the project proposed by The Friends of Chapel Hill Parks, Recreation, and Greenways would be a good initial step to determine needs and arrive at some basic design solutions.

If the Council agrees to accept the grant we would establish a separate project fund for this and any future grants from the Friends. The project proposed by the Friends is separate and distinct from the Bolin Creek Phase 3 project currently being design by the Town.


That the Council adopt the attached resolution that would accept a $15,000 grant from the Friends of Chapel Hill Parks, Recreation, and Greenways for design work related to renovation of the existing Bolin Creek Trail. If the Council accepts the grant the attached budget ordinance should be enacted.


1. Letter from the Friends of Chapel Hill Parks, Recreation, and Greenways (p. 6).