City of Chapel Hill, North Carolina Logo TOWN OF CHAPEL HILL


Meeting Date: 6/15/2009

Title of Agenda Item: Amendment to Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance - Adoption of revised Flood Study and Flood Insurance Rate map Panels 9799 and 9789.

Background: The attached staff memorandum includes background information on the purpose of the public hearing to amend the Town's Flood Damage prevention Ordinance by adopting the revised Flood Insurance Rate Map Panels 9799 and 9789 and the accompanying changes to the Flood Insurance Study.  The revisions are necessary as a result of additional survey data along Bolin Creek.

Fiscal Note: No fiscal implications indicated.

Recommendations: The Council will open the public hearing, receive public comment and recess the public hearing to June 22, 2009.

Viewing attachments may require Adobe Acrobat.
Staff Memorandum
Draft Ordinance
LOMR Determination
FIRM Panels 9799 and 9789
Flood Profiles
Floodway Data
Limited Detail Flood Hazard Data