TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
SUBJECT: Response to a Petition Requesting On-Street Parking Restrictions on Fan Branch Lane in the Culbreth Park Neighborhood
DATE: October 27, 2003
The following report is in response to a petition submitted by Ms. Sabrina Farrar requesting parking restrictions on one side of Fan Branch Lane. Please refer to the attached map (Attachment 1).
Enactment of the attached ordinance would establish “No Parking Anytime” regulations on the inside loop adjacent to the island on Fan Branch Lane.
At its September 8, 2003 meeting, the Council received a petition (Attachment 2) from Ms. Sabrina Farrar, 203 Fan Branch Lane, requesting that parking be restricted on one side of Fan Branch Lane in the Culbreth Park neighborhood. Ms. Farrar expressed a concern about emergency and routine service vehicle access, safety, and limited sight distance when vehicles are parked on both sides of Fan Branch Lane.
The pavement width of Fan Branch Lane is 26 feet and the posted speed limit is 25 mph. Under current parking regulations, vehicles are permitted to park on both sides of the street at all times.
We conducted field observations at various times on different days. We observed that cars parked on both sides of the street adjacent to the “island” located on a portion of Fan Branch Lane restricted access to two-way traffic and service vehicles. We did not observe problems resulting from on-street parking along other portions of Fan Branch Lane.
We prepared the attached survey form (Attachment 3) describing possible parking restrictions on Fan Branch Lane and solicited comments from neighborhood residents. We distributed 20 survey forms and 4 surveys were returned. Of those returned, three opposed and one supported the proposed changes in current parking regulations on Fan Branch Lane. We also received an e-mail letter (Attachment 4) from the Culbreth Park Homeowners’ Association opposing changes in current parking regulations on Fan Branch Lane. The email suggested alternative measures to eliminate speeding and traffic congestion in the neighborhood. Staff responses to the Homeowners’ Association suggestions are provided below:
HOA Suggestion #1: Turn part of the community park across from #202 and #204 Fan Branch Lane into a parking lot to accommodate parking for residents’ and visitors’ cars.
Staff Response: We do not recommend converting a portion of the neighborhood park into a parking lot. The park area is noted on the Culbreth Park plat as “…dedicated to the Town of Chapel Hill for parks and recreation purposes only” and, as such, consideration of a change in use to allow parking on part of the park land would require written consent of all owners of property bought in reliance on the originally platted use.
HOA Suggestion #2: Encourage residents not to park on the inside of the island on Fan Branch Lane between 7 AM – 10 AM, Monday through Friday.
Staff Response: We agree that eliminating parking along the island would improve safety and accessibility. Enactment of the attached ordinance would remove parking at all times not only between the hours of 7 AM – 10 AM on weekdays as requested by the HOA.
HOA Suggestion #3: Encourage residents on the cul-de-sac end of Fan Branch Lane to only park on the community park side of Fan Branch Lane (East Side) until a more permanent solution can be attained (i.e. a parking lot).
Staff Response: We agree with the residents and suggest that the Homeowners’ Association deal with this matter directly with the residents through their neighborhood meetings and newsletter.
HOA Suggestion #4: Install a “Limited Sight Distance” sign on Fan Branch Lane at the crest of the hill by #104 Fan Branch Lane.
Staff Response: We agree and will install the requested sign within the next few weeks.
HOA Suggestion #5: Install a 3-way stop at the intersection of Fan Branch Lane and Culbreth Park Drive to curb speeding through the neighborhood.
Staff Response: We will conduct traffic studies and prepare a recommendation to be presented at a future Council meeting. (This issue is not included in Ms. Farrar’s petition.)
HOA Suggestion #6: Install speed humps on Culbreth Park Drive and also on Fan Branch Lane to curb speeding throughout the neighborhood.
Staff Response: We will conduct traffic studies and prepare a recommendation to be presented at a future Council meeting. (This issue is not included in Ms. Farrar’s petition.)
HOA Suggestion #7: Lower the posted speed limit from 25 to 15 miles per hour.
Staff Response: The standard speed limit for residential streets throughout Town is 25 mph. We do not believe that extraordinary circumstances exist in the Culbreth Park neighborhood that would justify changing the Town standards.
HOA Suggestion #8: Paint a white line marking the stop sign and travel lanes at the north end of Fan Branch Lane to improve awareness of the stop sign and travel lanes.
Staff Response: We will install the requested markings within the next few weeks.
Based on our observations, the neighborhood survey response, and the request-for-assistance from the Homeowners’ Association, we believe that restricting on-street parking at all times only on the inside loop adjacent to the island on Fan Branch Lane would improve neighborhood accessibility and safety. We will study alternatives to control neighborhood speeding as requested by the Culbreth Park Homeowners’ Association.
That the Council enact the attached ordinance that would establish “No Parking Anytime” regulations on the inside loop adjacent to the island on Fan Branch Lane.
1. Culbreth Park Neighborhood Area Map (p. 5).
2. Petition from Ms. Farrar (p. 6).
3. E-mail Letter from Culbreth Park Homeowner’s Association (p. 8).
4. Resident Survey Form (p. 10).
BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill as follows:
Section 1. Section 21-27 of the Town Code of Ordinances, “No parking as to particular streets.” is hereby amended by adding the following in appropriate alphabetical order:
“Street Side From To
Fan Branch Lane Inner loop Along entire length of Island”
Section 2. This ordinance shall become effective November 24, 2003.
This the 27th day of October, 2003.