Text Box: Notice to people with impaired hearing: Interpreter services and/or special equipment are available with five days prior notice.  968-2700/TDD. 
Notice to citizens who wish to speak: As a courtesy to others, a citizen speaking on an agenda item or making a petition is normally limited to three minutes.  Persons who are organizing a group presentation and who wish to speak beyond the three-minute limit are requested to make prior arrangements through the Mayor’s Office by calling 968-2714.
Agenda items for review: Agenda items are available on the Town’s web site, www.townofchapelhill.org, by 12 noon on Friday before a Council meeting.  Citizens may request copies of agenda items in the Town Clerk’s Office at 968-2743 or 682-8636, ext. 2743 or may view them at the Reference Desk in the Chapel Hill Public Library (100 Library Drive).
Cablecast of Council Meetings: All Council meetings (except work sessions) are cablecast on Time Warner Cable of Chapel Hill Channel 18 at 7:00 p.m. and are rebroadcast at 9:00 a.m. the morning after the night meeting.  Generally, the meetings are also cablecast on Durham Cable Vision Channel 8 at 1:00 p.m. on the Friday following the Council meeting.














Chapel Hill Town Council Agenda

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

*Revised May 18, 2004

4:00 p.m.    Town Council Budget Work Session



                                                      Agenda Item




Presentation of proposed budget revisions as requested by the Council.




Review of Budget Working Papers as desired by the Council.





Information on Costs of Health Benefits Provided to Council Members in Other Area Municipalities.






Possible Elimination of Commercial Refuse Collection.






Consideration of a Four-Year Life Cycle Computer Replacement Program.






Considerations for Replacement of the Town Hall Telephone System.






Reduction in Fleet Replacement Allocation.






Special Olympics Demographics and Funding.






Winterizing Park Restrooms.






Additional information on Police Handgun Replacement Cycle.





Discussion of Split Shifts in the Transportation Department (no attachment).