TO:                  Mayor and Town Council

FROM:            W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager

SUBJECT:       Consideration of On-Street Parking Restrictions on Westwood Drive


DATE:             October 11, 2004



The following report is in response to a request submitted by Mr. David Morris requesting that the Council consider restricting parking on the outer loop (north/east sides) of Westwood Drive.  Please refer to the attached map (Attachment 1).


The Manager recommends that the Council enact the attached ordinance that would:




The Town received a request from Mr. David Morris, 419 Westwood Drive, asking that the Council consider restricting parking on the outer loop (north/east sides) of Westwood Drive. Mr. Morris stated that the cars parking on the outer loop of Westwood Drive reduce the available width of the travel lanes and restrict sight distance at some intersections and driveways along Westwood Drive.  Mr. Morris also noted that he believes that some cars using on-street parking on Westwood Drive do not belong to residents or tenants of Westwood Drive, and he asked us to investigate possible abuse of the current residential parking permit regulations in this area.  A copy of the letter from Mr. Morris is provided as Attachment 2.

Westwood Drive is 24 feet wide, paved, with curb-and-gutter but without sidewalks.  It forms a loop, connecting to South Columbia Street at two locations, as shown on the attached map.  The posted speed limit is 25 mph. Under current regulations, vehicles are allowed to park by residential permit on the outer loop of Westwood Drive between the hours of 9:00am to 4:00pm, Monday-Friday.  Also, vehicles are permitted to park by residential permit on the outer loop of Westwood Drive between South Columbia Street (north side) and West University Drive between the hours of 6:00pm and 6:00am.  On-street parking is prohibited at all times on the inner loop of Westwood Drive.  Attachment 1 is a map showing existing parking regulations on Westwood Drive.



We conducted field observations in August and in September at various times on different days. We observed traffic congestion and constricted travel lane widths when cars were parked on the outer loop of Westwood Drive between South Columbia Street and West University Drive.  At times, only a single travel lane width was available to drivers because of the on-street parking.  Also, on-street parking created sight distance problems at several locations along Westwood Drive.  As a result of the relatively low traffic volumes, we did not observe significant traffic congestion problems on Westwood Drive.

During our field reviews, we determined that some vehicles parked on Westwood Drive close to the South Columbia Street/Mason Farm Road intersection had parking permits that were issued to residents of Coolidge Street.  The Town Parking Services Division subsequently issued warning tickets to such vehicles, informing the drivers that the parking permits are valid only for the immediate Coolidge Street vicinity.

Residents of 416 and 418 Westwood Drive, located between West University Drive and Dogwood Drive, do not have driveway access to their homes and they were issued permits to park on Westwood Drive.  The remaining residents of Westwood Drive have off-street parking available on their property and would not qualify for residential parking permits.

We prepared a survey form describing the proposed parking restrictions and solicited comments from area residents. We distributed 32 survey forms and 20 were returned. Survey results are provided below:


            8 support removal of on-street parking by permit and establishment of no parking anytime on the outer loop side of Westwood Drive

8 do not support the proposed change in on-street parking regulations for Westwood Drive,


            2 have no preference,


            2 vacant properties (surveys returned by post office).


Most of the survey respondents who supported no parking anytime are located on Westwood Drive between South Columbia Street (north entrance) and West University Drive.  Most of the survey residents who opposed the changes are located on Westwood Drive between Dogwood Drive and South Columbia Street (south side).


Based on the staff investigations, survey results, and telephone conversations with several residents, we believe that on-street parking on the outer loop of Westwood Drive between South Columbia Street (north side) and West University Drive should be prohibited at all times to maintain sufficient street width for two-way traffic circulation and to provide for adequate sight distance at driveways on this curved street.  We also believe that on-street parking should be prohibited within 50 feet of street intersections on Westwood Drive to provide adequate sight distance.  Attachment 3 is a map showing the proposed on-street parking regulations on Westwood Drive.


We believe that the proposed on-street parking regulations would improve traffic circulation on Westwood Drive while maintaining some on-street parking to meet neighborhood residents’ parking needs.


The Manager recommends enactment of the attached Ordinance that would:


1.         Area Map with Existing On-Street Parking Regulations (p. 5).

2.         Letter from Mr. David Morris (p. 6).

3.         Area Map with Proposed On-Street Parking Regulations (p. 8).



BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill as follows:

Section 1.  Section 21-27.9 of the Town Code of Ordinances, “No parking during certain hours except by residential permit” is hereby amended by deleting the following:

(a) 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.

“Street                          Side                 From                            To

Westwood Drive          Outer Loop      Columbia Street            West University Drive

                                                            (north entrance)

(d) 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday--Friday

“Street                          Side                 From                                        To

Westwood Drive          Outer Loop      West University Drive   100 feet of west of

                                                                                                         South Columbia Street

Section 2.  Section 21-27 of the Town Code of Ordinances, “No parking as to particular streets.” is hereby amended by adding the following:

“Street                          Side                 From                                        To

Westwood Drive          Outer loop        South Columbia Street  A point 50 feet west

(north end)                               of western back of curb of West University Drive


Westwood Drive          Outer Loop      A point 50 feet west                 A point 50 feet east

of western back of curb of        of eastern back of

Dogwood Drive (west end)       curb of Dogwood Drive (west end)


Westwood Drive          Outer Loop      A point 50 feet west                 A point 50 feet east

of western back of curb of        of eastern back of

Dogwood Drive (east end)        curb of Dogwood Drive (east end)


Section 3.  This ordinance shall become effective November 8, 2004.

This the 11th day of October, 2004.