TO:                  Mayor and Town Council


FROM:            W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager


SUBJECT:       Bicycle and Pedestrian Action Plan


DATE:             October 27, 2004



This report provides recommended revisions to the Draft Bicycle and Pedestrian Action Plan (please see Attachment 1) and provides recommendations on how to implement the Plan.


The attached resolution would adopt the revised Plan as a component of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan.








In Attachment 1, we recommend revisions to the Plan text as indicated by the strikeout and double underlined text reflecting recommended revisions outlined in this memorandum. The revised plan text addresses comments from Council members, citizens, advisory boards and commissions. Corresponding changes have been made to the facilities maps.


Most of the discussion at the September 20 hearing focused on the potential use of the Battle Branch Greenway for paved bicycle trail.  Key issues are summarized below.


1.         Battle Branch Greenway


Fifteen citizens spoke concerning the potential environmental impact of paving a trail for bicyclists along the Battle Branch greenway. One citizen spoke in favor of providing a facility as a key link to connect the Town’s greenway system to the UNC Central Campus and the Downtown; one suggested that a joint Town and UNC evaluation should be undertaken as recommended by the Greenways Commission. The natural areas curator of the NC Botanical Garden invited citizens to attend an open house (October 5) to introduce a draft plan for the renovation of Battle Park.


Comment:  We have deleted references in the Plan to Battle Branch Greenway potentially being used for a paved bicycle facility.


On October 5, 2004 the North Carolina Botanical Garden, which manages the section of Battle Park owned by UNC held an open house to review plans to restore the park and trails. We have received a statement from the Botanical Garden that it does not believe that bikeways are compatible with the spirit of Battle Park as woodland and are not feasible in its section of Battle Park, the trails being steep and with many switchbacks (please see attachment 11).


We have added a signed advisory bicycle route to link the town greenway to Greenwood Road to the Plan.


2.                  Additions and Alterations to Facilities Maps


Comments relating to proposed additions or alterations to facilities at the hearing included the following:








Comment: We believe that the additions and alterations identified above should be added to the facilities maps with the exception of the suggestions for Mason Farm Road. These suggested sidewalks are located on the UNC Campus. The Campus master plan shows that Mason Farm Road will be relocated to the south and have a new intersection with South Columbia. The realigned road will include sidewalks at that time. We have revised the facilities maps to reflect these changes and added a note about the proposed road relocation.


3.                  Additions and Alterations to Plan Text


Comments related to potential additions or alterations to the Plan text made at the hearing included the following:



Comment: We have added a new Section 4.3 in the Action plan which encourages cooperative planning with other entities. We have also added text in chapters 3 and 4 to address the above points.


4.                  Package Approach


The revised Plan acknowledges that the facilities improvements set out in Chapter 3, “Proposed Plan,” and identified on the bicycle and pedestrian facilities maps, will take many years to accomplish.  It recommends that there should be an overriding principle where possible to undertake packages of improvements. However, the Plan allows for individual or isolated improvements to be undertaken and sets out considerations that would apply to such projects.


Comment:  We agree that there are benefits to undertaking a comprehensive package of improvements for a defined geographic location. However, given the number of tasks involved in providing improvements, we believe that it is unlikely that all of the elements of a package could be readily coordinated and delivered at one time. Secondly, we believe that concentrating limited resources in one area could prevent the Town from undertaking other priority improvements identified in the plan.


We believe that the intent of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Board in recommending packages was to give greater emphasis to implementing improvements in combination; for instance where a crosswalk improvement is needed in combination with a sidewalk improvement, to implement these improvements simultaneously. Therefore instead of implementing whole packages as an overriding principle as recommended in the Draft Plan, we suggest that packages could be used as a master plan to guide the implementation of future improvements for those locations. Linked improvements within the packages could be identified and implemented through the Town’s Annual Construction Plan process and through collaboration with the State where State resources are available.


5.                  Greenways Master Plan Update


The Draft Action Plan has included the future greenways identified by the Greenways Master Plan adopted by the Town in 1998. An update of that Plan is currently underway.


Comment:  We have added a note to Chapter 3 of the Action Plan that a future amended Greenway Plan may contain some elements not included in the Action Plan and that for the purpose of identifying the location of greenways the Greenways Master Plan Update would supersede the Bicycle and Pedestrian Action Plan.




We recommend that improvements identified in the Action Plan be implemented through an Annual Construction Plan process and through collaboration with the State where State resources are available.


Once adopted by the Council as a long-range planning document, the Action Plan will be a guide and resource in developing the annual Sidewalk and Bicycle Facilities Construction Plan approved by the Town Council.   The annual program recommendation would include cost estimates for projects, information about the feasibility of constructing the facilities identified, and any potential for implementing combinations of facilities.


The Annual Construction Plan will take into account the objectives of the Action Plan, the priorities identified, and other controlling factors including but not limited to, construction feasibility, the availability of funding from the Town. We recommend the following approach:



We recommend that other recommendations in the plan, including recommended education and encouragement actions, be considered as part of the Town’s annual Budget and work program.





Advisory Board comments are included in Attachments 4 to 10. The following is a summary of the points raised and a staff response:


1.      Community Design Commission Recommendation: On September 18, the Commission voted 10-0 to proceed with the implementation of the Draft Action Plan.  Some members recommended the Council consider the following: (see Attachment 4).


§         Highlight providing bicycle and pedestrian accessibility to elementary and middle schools.


Comment:   Connectivity to schools is one of the stated objectives of the Plan.


§         Improve directional and informational signage to bicycle facilities.


Comment:  We have added text to consider providing directional and informational signage.


§         Investigate a bicycle path on the north side of Franklin Street as an alternative to a facility on Battle Branch Greenway.


Comment:  We believe that the idea of a Battle Branch bicycle facility (now deleted) was suggested due to the desire for a bicycle facility separated from the vehicular traffic on Franklin Street. The Action Plan includes a recommended action to assess existing arterials and collector streets for bicycle and pedestrian compatibility.


2.      Greenways Commission Recommendation: On September 8, 2004, the Commission voted 6-0 to recommend adoption of the Plan with the following changes: (see Attachment 5).


§         Cross reference the upcoming Greenways Master plan update and to current Greenways priorities.


Comment:  We have added a note on Page 3 of the Plan.


§         Add reference to the need for a prior agreement between the Town and UNC before any process to upgrade the existing Battle Branch Trail.


Comment:  We have deleted the proposed paved trail from the revised Plan.


3.      Historic District Commission Recommendation: On September 9 , 2004, the Commission voted 6-0 to recommend: (see Attachment 6).


§         Plans for sidewalks and greenways located within or adjacent historic district should be submitted to the Commission for review.


Comment:   Sidewalks in the Historic District are presently referred to the Commission for review.


4.      Parks and Recreation Commission Recommendation: On August 18, 2004, the Commission voted 10-0 to forward the following comments to the Council (see Attachment 7).


§         Cross reference the upcoming Greenways Master plan update.


Comment:  We have added a note on Page 3 of the Plan.


§         Add reference to the need for a prior agreement between the Town and UNC before any process to upgrade the existing trail.


Comment:  We have deleted the proposed paved trail from the revised Plan.


§         The Commission also voted 9-1 to recommend that the suggested off-road path for Battle Branch Greenway be set aside from the Plan pending analysis in the Greenways Master Plan update and that the University should be included in that consideration.


Comment:  Off-road path now deleted from the Plan.  See Key Issues discussion.


§         The Active Living by Design Committee should have input in future plan updates.


Comment:  Noted. The Action Plan was referred to the Committee, and committee members were invited to comment individually on the Plan.


5.      Planning Board Recommendation: On August 17, 2004, the Board voted 7-0 to recommend that the Council adopt the Draft Plan with the following comments: (see Attachment 8).


§         The off-road path suggested for Battle Branch should be studied to assess the pros and cons.


Comment:   Off-road path now deleted from the Plan. See Key Issues discussion.


§         Add more explanation of the process of choosing priorities and how the plan would be implemented.


Comment:   See implementation discussion included in this memorandum.


§         Land use, density and destinations should be factors in setting priorities for implementation.


Comment:   Proximity to pedestrian generators (schools, parks, shopping, transit, UNC) is a factor of the sidewalks priority list.


6.      Public Arts Commission Recommendation: On September 17, 2004, the Commission made the following comments (see Attachment 9):


§         Integrate public art and include an artistic approach to the provision of facilities where possible.


Comment:   Section on public art has been added in Chapter 4.


7.      Transportation Board Recommendation: On September 21, 2004, the Board commended the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board and made the following comments: (see Attachment 10).


§         Include bicycle and pedestrian improvements on Estes Drive extension. Do not delay planning for these waiting for UNC Carolina North Plans.


Comment:   Estes Drives extension is a State maintained street. The provision of three lanes with 5 foot bicycle lanes and sidewalks is No. 3 on the Towns Transportation Improvement Priority list. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) will publish a Draft State Transportation Improvement Program for 2006-2012 in December 2004.


§         Support the package concept outlined in the Draft Plan.


Comment:  We recommend a modified package approach, with an emphasis on coordinating construction projects.


§         Clarify that there will be additional opportunities to suggest crossing improvements as they become identified.


Comment:    Note added to Section 3.3 Crossing Improvements.


§         Remove signed bicycle route on Dixie Drive due to dangerous curve.


Comment:   Noted and removed.


§         Retain and mark existing trails in the Horace Williams Tract.


Comment:   Section 4.3 added to the Plan for coordinated actions with other agencies that own and control facilities.




We recommend that the Council adopt the attached resolution to adopt a Bicycle and Pedestrian Action Plan as a component of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan.



  1. Pedestrian Facilities Plan
  2. Bicycle Facilities Plan




  1. Revised Bicycle and Pedestrian Action Plan (begin new page 1): Title Page, Table of Contents, Credits, Page 50-51
  2. Citizen comments received at public hearing September 20, 2004 (p. 52).
  3. Public Hearing Memorandum September 20, 2004 (p. 83).
  4. Community Design Commission Recommendation (p. 90).
  5. Greenways Commission Recommendation (p. 91).
  6. Historic District Commission Recommendation (p. 92).
  7. Parks and Recreation Commission Recommendation (p. 93).
  8. Planning Board Recommendation (p. 95).
  9. Public Arts Commission Recommendation (p. 96).
  10. Transportation Board Recommendation (p. 97).
  11. Official North Carolina Botanical Garden Response concerning suggested off-road bicycle facility for Battle Park received October 19, 2004 (p. 98).






WHEREAS, the Chapel Hill 2000 Comprehensive Plan includes the objective to “develop and maintain a pedestrian circulation system, including sidewalks and greenway trails, that provides direct, continuous, and safe movement within and between districts of Town. Link neighborhoods to activity centers, transit stops, schools, parks, and other neighborhoods”; and


WHEREAS, the Chapel Hill 2000 Comprehensive Plan includes the objective to “develop and maintain a system of safe and efficient bikeways (on-street bike lanes and off-street paths within greenways) designed to contribute to Town-wide mobility, connecting neighborhoods with activity centers, schools, parks, and other neighborhoods”; and


WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan calls for development of a comprehensive pedestrian and bicycle network;


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council hereby adopts the Bicycle and Pedestrian Action Plan dated October 27, 2004, as a component of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan.


This the 27th day of October, 2004.