Chapel Hill Technical Advisory Committee
Discussion w/Council 11/15/04
5:30 PM Council Chambers
Introduction: CTC Members
Goal of Meeting: develop Council support for moving forward on CTC
recommendation for e-democracy approach to website.
Why e-democracy:
- Using the example on South Columbia Street from the Council presentation on
10-11-04, (attached), e-democracy would have fostered better understanding
between University, DOT and residents
- More transparent and accessible decision making process
- Historical trail for new residents
Role of Technology in support of e-democracy:
- Better access to official and unofficial information such as
agendas, minutes and budgets
- Improved search capability for documents linked together over time and across
- Support of enhanced communications and decision making tools such as GIS,
list serves, poll and surveys
What do we need to do:
-Work toward strategic deployment of information technologies
-- Strategic
plans for Web Development, Infrastructure and GIS
-Gain advocacy of Council and Town Manager in support of goals
Meeting Outcome:
Provide up-front funding for
consultant to develop detailed plan based on current and needed infrastructure
Open dialogue w/Council