TO:                  Mayor and Town Council

FROM:            W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager

SUBJECT:      Follow-up Report Regarding Traffic Calming Measures on Lonebrook Drive 


DATE:                        April 25, 2005



At its April 11, 2005 meeting, the Council received the attached Manager’s report regarding the status of traffic calming measures on Lonebrook Drive.  Please see Attachment 1.


Stop signs on Lonebrook Drive at the Tremont Circle and Glenmore Road intersections were removed on April 1, 2005 following instructions established by the Council at its November 8, 2004 regular meeting.  Enactment of the attached ordinance would amend the Town Code of Ordinances regarding stop regulations on Lonebrook Drive consistent with removal of the stop signs.


Option 1:

If the Council wishes to confirm its November 8, 2004 decision to remove the stop signs on Lonebrook Drive at its intersections with Tremont Circle and Glenmore Road, we recommend enactment of the attached Ordinance A.


Option 2:

If the Council wishes to have stop signs reinstalled on Lonebrook Drive at its intersections with Tremont Circle and Glenmore Road, we recommend adoption of Resolution A.  (Note: Speed humps would not be installed on Lonebrook Drive because the neighborhood failed to provide a valid petition in accordance with the Council’s adopted Traffic Calming Policy and Procedures.) 


Option 3:

Adoption of the attached Resolution B and enactment of attached Ordinance B would direct the Manager to have stop signs reinstalled on Lonebrook Drive at its intersection with Glenmore Road and to have two speed humps installed on Lonebrook Drive. (Note: Stop signs on Lonebrook Drive at Tremont Circle and one speed hump in Northwood V neighborhood would not be installed.)




·         January 27, 2003: the Council approved installation of the following traffic calming devices on Lonebrook Drive:

§         Three speed humps  

§         Stop signs at the Tremont Circle and Glenmore Road intersections

·         April 2003: Stop signs were installed.

·         April 28, 2003: The Council received and referred a petition from Mr. Eric Plow, a Northwoods V resident, requesting removal of the recently installed stop signs on Lonebrook Drive at Tremont Circle and that the northernmost speed hump not be installed on Lonebrook Drive.

·         June 9, 2003: The Council received a staff report in response to Mr. Plow’s petition.  The Council deferred action on the petition, and directed the Manager to delay the installation of speed humps on Lonebrook Drive and to study the effects of the stop signs alone, and to report back with recommendations on the petitioner’s requests.

·         April 26, 2004: The Council received a staff report with the results of the staff’s study.  In the report, the Manager recommended that the stop signs remain in place and that three speed humps be installed on Lonebrook Drive in accordance with the approved traffic calming plan.  The Council again deferred the action on the petitioner’s request until a policy for traffic calming measures was adopted, and directed the Manager to bring this matter back to the Council along with a report on cost and effectiveness of temporary speed humps. 

·         June 11, 2004: The Council adopted formal Traffic Calming Policy and Procedures to be applied within the Town’s planning jurisdiction.

·         November 8, 2004: The Council received a staff report evaluating the original petition for traffic calming measures on Lonebrook Drive compared to the requirements of the adopted policy and procedures for traffic calming. The Council adopted a resolution to allow stop signs to remain and to defer installation of speed humps on Lonebrook Drive until the neighborhood submitted a valid petition requesting the installation of traffic calming devices in accordance with the Traffic Calming Policy and Procedures.

·         November 16, 2004: Town staff provided petition documents to the neighborhood representatives.

·         February 17, 2005: Town staff was advised by the President of Parkside Neighborhood Homeowners Association that the neighborhood was unable to collect an adequate number of signatures for a valid petition.

·         April 11, 2005: The Council received a status report regarding traffic calming measures on Lonebrook Drive. In accordance with the Council’s direction at its November 8, 2004 meeting, the stop signs on Lonebrook Drive at the Tremont Circle and Glenmore Road intersections were removed.  Several citizens attended the April 11 Council meeting and expressed their support or opposition to the removal of stop signs on Lonebrook Drive.  A copy of written materials submitted by two citizens is provided in Attachment 2.  Recent correspondence regarding this matter is also provided in Attachment 2.


The original petition received by the Town for traffic calming measures on Lonebrook Drive included 63 signatures, mainly from the Parkside neighborhood. One hundred ninety-six property owners are in the identified service area.  A petition with signatures of two-thirds of the property owners within the service area is required under the currently adopted traffic calming policy and procedures.  On this basis, signatures of 131 of the property owners in the service area would be necessary to validate a traffic calming petition.

Also, in accordance with the adopted Traffic Calming Policy and Procedures, removal of traffic calming devices require signatures of two-thirds of the property owner’s within the service area.  The petition from Mr. Eric Plow requesting removal of the approved traffic calming devices on Lonebrook Drive includes only 22 signatures. There was no clear consensus among property owners regarding the installation of traffic calming measures within the Lonebrook Drive service area.

We offer the following options for Council’s consideration:

Option 1: If the Council wishes to confirm its November 8, 2004 decision to remove the stop signs on Lonebrook Drive at its intersections with Tremont Circle and Glenmore Road, we recommend enactment of the attached Ordinance A.


Staff Comment: Stop signs on Lonebrook Drive at the Tremont Circle and Glenmore Road intersections were removed on April 1, 2005 following instructions established by the Council at its November 8, 2004 regular meeting.  Enactment of the attached ordinance would amend the Town Code of Ordinances regarding stop regulations on Lonebrook Drive consistent with removal of the stop signs.


Option 2: If the Council wishes to have stop signs reinstalled on Lonebrook Drive at its intersection with Tremont Circle and Glenmore Road, we recommend adoption of Resolution A.


Staff Comment: Under this option, stop signs would be reinstalled on Lonebrook Drive at the Tremont Circle and Glenmore Road intersections, but speed humps would not be installed on Lonebrook Drive.


Option 3: Adoption of the attached Resolution B and enactment of attached Ordinance B would direct the Manager to have stop signs reinstalled on Lonebrook Drive at its intersection with Glenmore Road and to have two speed humps installed on Lonebrook Drive.


Staff Comment: The original petition submitted to the Council in 2003 included 63 signatures supporting stop signs and speed humps on Lonebrook Drive.  Most of the signatures were from Parkside neighborhood and therefore the Council may want to consider installing stop signs and speed humps only in the Parkside neighborhood portion of Lonebrook Drive.  Under this option, stop signs on Lonebrook Drive at Tremont Circle and one speed hump in Northwood V neighborhood would not be installed.


At the April 11, 2005 Council meeting, a citizen commented that the decision to install or remove traffic calming devices should not be made by the Council solely based on signature support but should be based on measured public needs.  We believe that the Council’s policy for seeking community support before installation of traffic calming devices is reasonable.  We also note that this policy is not exclusive. Where the Town determines traffic calming measures are needed for public safety, we will continue to recommend their installation irrespective of petition support.  We have not reached such an independent determination in this case.  Moreover, we note that petition support does not guarantee installation of traffic calming measures if such measures are determined by the Council to be inconsistent with public health, safety, and/or welfare.



The Manager has directed the Police Department to implement periodic enforcement of traffic regulations on Lonebrook Drive to the extent possible with available resources. Unless otherwise directed by the Council, if a valid traffic calming petition is submitted we would review and evaluate it in accordance with the adopted Traffic Calming Policy and Procedures and would include this along with others in the annual traffic calming report for funding consideration by the Council.




The Manager recommends enactment of the attached Ordinance A that would amend the Town Code of Ordinances regarding stop regulations on Lonebrook Drive.


If the Council wishes to have stop signs reinstalled on Lonebrook Drive at its intersections with Tremont Circle and Glenmore Road, adoption of Resolution A would direct the Manager to do so.


If the Council wishes to have stop signs reinstalled on Lonebrook Drive at its intersection with Glenmore Road and to have two speed humps installed on Lonebrook Drive, adoption of Resolution B and enactment of Ordinance B would direct the Manager to do so.


1.                  April 11, 2005 Council Report (p. 11).

2.                  Written Material submitted by Citizens at April 11, 2005 Council Meeting (p. 18).



BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill as follows:

Section 1. Section 21-13(c) of the Town Code of Ordinances, “Right-of-way and stop regulations.” is hereby amended by deleting the following:


            Lonebrook Drive and Glenmore Road”          

            Lonebrook Drive and Tremont Circle

Section 2.  Section 21-13(a) of the Town Code of Ordinances, “Right-of-way and stop regulations.” is hereby amended by adding the following in alphabetical order:

“Through Streets                                Stop Streets

Lonebrook Drive                                  Glenmore Road

Lonebrook Drive                                  Tremont Circle


Section 3.  This ordinance shall become effective upon adoption.

This the 25th day of April, 2005.






WHEREAS, the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill is concerned about vehicular and non-vehicular safety and mobility on Town streets; and


WHEREAS, the Council has received a petition opposing some elements of the traffic calming plan approved by the Council on January 27, 2003, involving Lonebrook Drive; and


WHEREAS, the Council directed the Manager to conduct follow-up traffic studies on Lonebrook Drive and to submit a report including analysis of the results of the traffic studies and recommendations for further action on the approved traffic calming plan; and


WHEREAS, Town staff conducted follow-up studies and the Manager presented a report and recommendations to the Council on April 26, 2004; and


WHEREAS, the Council adopted formal Traffic Calming Policy and Procedures on June 30, 2004; and


WHEREAS, the Council received a follow-up report from the Manager including discussion of the current Lonebrook Drive petitions relative to the requirements of the adopted Traffic Calming Policy and Procedures on November 8, 2004; and

WHEREAS, the Council directed the Manager to remove the stop signs on Lonebrook Drive at its intersections with Tremont Circle and Glenmore Road if a valid petition in accordance with the Council’s adopted Traffic Calming Policy and Procedures was not received by April 1, 2005; and

WHEREAS, a valid petition was not received by the deadline and the stop signs were removed on April 1, 2005 in accordance with the Council’s direction; and

WHEREAS, the Manager presented a report regarding removal of stop signs on Lonebrook Drive to the Council on April 11, 2005; and

WHEREAS, several citizens expressed concerns regarding removal of stop signs on Lonebrook Drive at the April 11, 2005 Council meeting; and

WHEREAS, the Council has determined that the installation of stop signs on Lonebrook Drive at its intersections with Tremont Circle and Glenmore Road will enhance pedestrian and vehicular safety in the nearby area;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council directs the Manager to re-install stop signs on Lonebrook Drive at its intersections with Tremont Circle and Glenmore Road.


This the 25th day of April, 2005.






WHEREAS, the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill is concerned about vehicular and non-vehicular safety and mobility on Town streets; and


WHEREAS, the Council has received a petition opposing some elements of the traffic calming plan approved by the Council on January 27, 2003, involving Lonebrook Drive; and


WHEREAS, the Council directed the Manager to conduct follow-up traffic studies on Lonebrook Drive and to submit a report including analysis of the results of the traffic studies and recommendations for further action on the approved traffic calming plan; and


WHEREAS, Town staff conducted follow-up studies and the Manager presented a report and recommendations to the Council on April 26, 2004; and


WHEREAS, the Council adopted formal Traffic Calming Policy and Procedures on June 30, 2004; and


WHEREAS, the Council received a follow-up report from the Manager including discussion of the current Lonebrook Drive petitions relative to the requirements of the adopted Traffic Calming Policy and Procedures on November 8, 2004; and

WHEREAS, the Council directed the Manager to remove the stop signs on Lonebrook Drive at its intersections with Tremont Circle and Glenmore Road if a valid petition in accordance with the Council’s adopted Traffic Calming Policy and Procedures was not received by April 1, 2005; and

WHEREAS, a valid petition was not received by the deadline and the stop signs were removed on April 1, 2005 in accordance with the Council’s direction; and

WHEREAS, the Manager presented a report regarding removal of stop signs on Lonebrook Drive to the Council on April 11, 2005; and

WHEREAS, several citizens expressed concerns regarding removal of stop signs on Lonebrook Drive at the April 11, 2005 Council meeting; and

WHEREAS, the Council has determined that the installation of stop signs on Lonebrook Drive at Glenmore Road and installation of two speed humps on Lonebrook Drive in Parkside neighborhood will enhance pedestrian and vehicular safety in the nearby area;


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council directs the Manager to reinstall the stop signs on Lonebrook Drive at its intersection with Glenmore Road and to install two speed humps on Lonebrook Drive in the Parkside neighborhood.


This the 25th day of April, 2005.




BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill as follows:

Section 1. Section 21-13(c) of the Town Code of Ordinances, “Right-of-way and stop regulations.” is hereby amended by deleting the following:


            Lonebrook Drive and Tremont Circle”


Section 2.  Section 21-13(a) of the Town Code of Ordinances, “Right-of-way and stop regulations.” is hereby amended by adding the following in alphabetical order:

“Through Streets                                Stop Streets

Lonebrook Drive                                  Tremont Circle



Section 3.  This ordinance shall become effective upon adoption.

This the 25th day of April, 2005.