TO:                  Mayor and Council


FROM:            W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager


SUBJECT:      Recommended Downtown Improvement Projects


DATE:                        May 23, 2005





Adoption of the attached resolutions would authorize the Town Manager to encumber $350,000 of the currently available $530,000 in Streetscape bond funds to:


Resolution A:  Upgrade the crosswalks at the intersection of Franklin and Columbia Streets and the intersection of East Franklin Street and Porthole Alley, at an estimated cost of $50,000;


Resolution B:  Develop working drawings for Streetscape improvements on the south side of the 100 and 200 blocks of West Franklin Street adjacent to University Square, discuss plans with property owners and merchants, and begin construction in June 2005 utilizing an estimated $240,000 of the available funds; and


Resolution C: Submit a Specialty Lighting Request to Duke Power Company for the installation of custom street and pedestrian lighting on the south side of the 500 and 600 blocks of West Franklin Street where other Streetscape improvements including the underground duct bank necessary to serve the proposed light fixtures, have already been completed.  The cost of the lighting improvements is estimated to be $60,000.




On April 25, the Town Council received a report (Attachment 1), that included the Manager’s recommendations for 2005 downtown improvement projects. At that meeting, the Council referred the Manager’s recommendations to the Chapel Hill Downtown Economic Development Corporation, the Community Design Commission, the Historic District Commission, and the Public Arts Commission for their review and comment.




On May 11, the Public Works Staff attended two meetings to receive comments from these groups. The first meeting was with the Chapel Hill Downtown Economic Development Corporation. The second meeting was a special meeting of the Community Design Commission to which members of the Historic District Commission, and the Public Arts Commission were also invited. The Downtown Commission was also notified of the special meeting of the Community Design Commission.  At these meetings the Town staff presented a PowerPoint presentation that included a brief history of the Downtown Streetscape Master Plan project, before-and-after examples of completed projects, a summary of the Manager’s three recommended improvement projects for 2005, and an overview of three other downtown sidewalk reconstruction projects that have not yet been completed. After the presentations, staff answered questions from those in attendance before each of the groups deliberated over the Manager’s suggested projects and then provided the staff with their group’s recommendations. Following is a summary of the recommendations the staff received with comments.


Recommendations from the Chapel Hill Downtown Economic Development Corporation


Attachment 2 includes a summary of the first meeting on May 11 with the Chapel Hill Downtown Economic Development Corporation. The Development Corporation voted to recommend the following:


Development Corporation Recommendation #1:  That the proposed mast arm traffic signal pole improvements be removed from the list of projects being considered for Streetscape funding while proceeding with the proposed upgrade of crosswalks at Columbia and Franklin Streets and at the mid-block crossing at Porthole Alley.


Comment: We believe that mast arm traffic signal pole improvements could be deferred while proceeding with improvements to the pedestrian crosswalks. We believe that future upgrades to signal poles may necessitate repairs to imprinted asphalt in the crosswalks but that these repairs could be undertaken at a reasonable cost.


In 2003, the Town Council authorized Streetscape funds to be used in a joint project with the North Carolina Department of Transportation to signalize the intersection at West Franklin and Church Street and to upgrade signal poles at Columbia and Rosemary Streets. Since then NCDOT has been coordinating with the Town Engineering and Public Works Departments to design and install mast arm signal poles at these intersections. We anticipate that these installations will be completed by September of this year. We believe that the discussion of future mast arm traffic signal improvements could be revisited, perhaps in 2006, after NCDOT installs mast arm poles at these two downtown intersections and interested parties have had an opportunity to evaluate the improvements to determine if future Streetscape projects should include mast arm poles.


Development Corporation Recommendation #2: That the Town prepare a more detailed master plan for Streetscape improvements along Rosemary Street (within the current Streetscape study area boundaries) anticipating redevelopment of adjacent properties.


Comment:  The Streetscape Master Plan provides recommended patterns for Streetscape improvements along Rosemary Street that reflect incremental projects within limited anticipated rights-of-way. In most situations we believe that these recommended patterns are appropriate, but we also concur with the Development Corporation’s suggestion that there may be exceptions.  In some locations, for example, adjacent to Parking Lot 5 and other larger properties, substantial redevelopment may be proposed where more significant Streetscape improvements within a wider dedicated right-of-way may be achieved. If desired by Council, we could study these areas along Rosemary Street and inform the Council of what steps we recommend be taken to address possibly changing conditions along Rosemary Street as they may affect the Streetscape Master Plan.  We believe that a study of this type could involve significant resources to analyze the redevelopment potential of different Rosemary Street properties and could require six months to a year to complete.


Development Corporation Recommendation #3: The Development Corporation stated that it will assist the Town in future efforts to acquire public right-of-way where needed for Streetscape improvements.


Recommendations from the Community Design Commission


Attachment 3 includes a summary of the special meeting of the Community Design Commission held on the evening of May 11. The Public Arts Commission, the Historic District Commission, and the Downtown Economic Development Corporation were also invited to this special meeting. At that meeting, recommendations were received from two groups; the Design Commission and members of the Public Arts and Historic District Commissions.


The Community Design Commission made a number of recommendations as summarized below. A copy of the Design Commission’s recommendations is included in Attachment 4.


Design Commission Recommendation #1: That the Town not install the proposed mast arm traffic signal poles but that it proceed with the Manager’s recommended crosswalk improvements at the two intersections in the Central Business District and that it consider alternative traffic signal pole designs.


Comment:  As previously described, we believe the crosswalk improvements can proceed without the mast arm improvements. We also believe that the design of traffic signal improvements may best be revisited once the mast arm poles scheduled for installation at Church and Franklin Streets are in place.


Design Commission Recommendation #2:  That the Town proceed with the proposed lighting improvements on West Franklin Street.


Comment: We concur.


Design Commission Recommendation #3: That the Town proceed with sidewalk reconstruction adjacent to University Square and that it consider several design modifications to the project. Specific design suggestions include extending the curb as previously proposed, but building an 8-foot sidewalk in place of a 10-foot sidewalk; adding a bus shelter; and if possible, working with the adjacent property owner to improve pedestrian access to University Square from Franklin Street.


Comment: We believe that an 8-foot wide sidewalk could be sufficient to accommodate pedestrian traffic in this section of downtown, given that there is no on-street parking, and no business doorways abutting the edge of the sidewalk. If an 8-foot sidewalk is constructed, we believe that the existing curb could be rebuilt in place rather than relocated. We believe that the 11-foot wide amenity strip provides sufficient area for all proposed improvements and that retaining the existing curb line will maximize the right-of-way available for public improvements that may be considered in the redevelopment plan for Parking Lot 5.


The need for a bus shelter at University Square is not evident based on observations by the Transportation staff; however, we will review boarding and disembarking data before coming to a conclusion.  A shelter could be installed if warranted by the data.  We believe that improving access from the Franklin Street sidewalk to University Square would necessitate improvements outside the public right-of-way beyond the scope of the Streetscape project, but we will discuss these potential improvements with the adjacent property owner to determine if there is an interest in pursuing them concurrent with the adjacent sidewalk reconstruction work.


Design Commission Recommendation #4:  That the Town consider using contract labor for other sidewalk reconstruction projects to increase the rate of progress of Streetscape improvements.


Comment: In implementing Streetscape construction projects, Town staff makes a considerable effort to minimize disruption to adjacent merchants and the public as a whole.  Scheduling construction during the summer months, doing much of the most disruptive demolition and utility work at night, and carefully coordinating all elements of the construction process to minimize access and utility disruptions are examples of steps the staff takes to avoid unintended adverse affects from these projects.  We believe that this process of using in-house labor for construction projects provides for the best possible project at the most reasonable cost, and that it could be difficult to assure the same level of construction coordination and cost effectiveness utilizing private contractors.  We have had mixed results with the use of private contractors in constructing previous segments of the Streetscape project.


Design Commission Recommendation #5: That the Town consider improvements to the alleys in the 100 block of East Franklin Street.


Comment:  We believe the public properties associated with downtown alleys are well maintained and the Town’s Inspections Director and Public Works Director are working to improve the maintenance of private properties in these areas.


Design Commission Recommendation #6:  That the Town improve lighting at the Post Office at the corner of East Franklin and Henderson Streets.


Comments: We will add this item to the work assignments of the Public Works Department.


Recommendations from the Public Arts Commission

and one member of the Historic District Commission:


Recommendation #1: That the Town not install the mast arm traffic signal poles and that it consider hiring an artist to design the crosswalk improvements, perhaps by using authentic materials.


Comment: As previously described, we believe the crosswalk improvements can proceed without the mast arm poles. The crosswalk improvements as proposed include the installation of stamped and colored asphalt that is designed to withstand heavy traffic and has previously been approved for use by the North Carolina Department of Transportation on state roads.  In previous discussions with NCDOT staff we have been informed that because of concerns about long term pavement maintenance, alternative paving materials would not likely be permitted at these locations.  We believe that these pedestrian safety improvements are needed and we concur with the Development Corporation and Design Commission’s recommendations to proceed with this work.


Recommendation #2: That sidewalk reconstruction at University Square be delayed until plans are approved for the redevelopment of Parking Lot 5 on the opposite side of Franklin Street.


Comment:  We believe that the proposed sidewalk reconstruction is needed and that the Streetscape improvements have been designed to complement already completed sections on Franklin Street as well as possible future improvements adjacent to Parking Lot 5.


Recommendation #3: That the Town proceed with lighting improvements proposed for the 500 and 600 blocks of West Franklin, and that it consider revisiting the Streetscape Master Plan for sections of West Franklin Street to discern opportunities for public art, perhaps incorporating passive solar energy.


Comment:  We believe that lighting improvements should have a high priority.  The Streetscape Master Plan provides sufficient flexibility in its recommendations to include public art in many forms and one percent of Streetscape project funding has been reserved for this purpose.




We recommend that the Council approve Resolutions A, B, and C authorizing the Manager to encumber $350,000 to proceed with downtown crosswalk upgrades, Streetscape improvements, and lighting improvements as described in this report.




  1. April 11, 2005 Memorandum on Recommended 2005 Downtown Improvement Projects (p. 9), (p. 16), (p. 17), (p. 19), (p. 22)
  2. May 11, 2005 Chapel Hill Downtown Economic Development Corporation Meeting Summary (p. 18).
  3. May 11, 2005 Chapel Hill Community Design Commission Special Meeting Summary (p. 20).
  4. May 11, 2005 Summary of Community Design Commission Action (p. 24).



A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGER TO upgrade crosswalks at intersection of Franklin and Columbia Streets and at the intersection of East Franklin Street and Porthole Alley and to utilize $50,000 in 2003 sidewalk bond funds for the improvements (2005-05-23/R-9a)


WHEREAS, the Council adopted the Downtown Streetscape Master Plan as part of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan; and


WHEREAS, resurfacing crosswalks for pedestrian safety is part of the Town’s Downtown Streetscape Master Plan; and


WHEREAS, $50,000 currently exists in bond funding to implement a portion of the Streetscape Master Plan; and


WHEREAS, the Council has received a report from the Town Manager describing options for downtown improvements;


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council authorizes the Town Manager to upgrade crosswalks at the intersection of Franklin and Columbia Streets and at the intersection of East Franklin Street and Porthole Alley, intersections, and to utilize $50,000 in 2003 sidewalk bond funds for the improvements.


This the 23rd day of May, 2005.



A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGER TO Develop working drawings for Streetscape improvements on the south side of the 100 and 200 blocks of West Franklin Street adjacent to University Square, discuss plans with property owners and merchants, utilize $240,000 of the AVAILABLE funds, and begin construction in JUNE 2005 (2005-05-23/R-9b)


WHEREAS, the Council adopted the Downtown Streetscape Master Plan as part of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan; and


WHEREAS, $240,000 currently exists in bond funding to implement a portion of the Streetscape Master Plan; and


WHEREAS, the Council has received a report from the Town Manager describing plans for lighting and traffic signal improvements as well as a plan for Streetscape construction to begin June 2005; and


WHEREAS, Town labor resources are available for construction of the improvements;


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council authorizes the Town Manager to develop working drawings for Streetscape improvements on the south side of the 100 and 200 blocks of West Franklin Street adjacent to University Square, discuss plans with property owners and merchants, utilize $240,000 of the 2003 Streetscape bond funds, and begin construction in June 2005.


This the 23rd day of May, 2005.



A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGER TO Submit a Specialty Lighting Request to Duke Power Company for the installation of custom street and pedestrian lighting on the south side of the 500 and 600 blocks of West Franklin Street where other Streetscape improvements have already been completed and to Utilize $60,000 in bond funds for the lighting improvements (2005-05-23/R-9c)


WHEREAS, the Council adopted the Downtown Streetscape Master Plan as part of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan; and


WHEREAS, lighting improvements are a fundamental part of the Town’s Downtown Streetscape Master Plan; and


WHEREAS, $60,000 currently exists in bond funding to implement a portion of the Streetscape Master Plan; and


WHEREAS, the Council has received a report from the Town Manager describing plans for lighting and traffic signal improvements as well as a plan for Streetscape construction;


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council authorizes the Town Manager to submit a Specialty Lighting Request to Duke Power Company for approximately $60,000, for the proposed lighting improvements.


This the 23rd day of May, 2005.