TO: Mayor and Council
FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
SUBJECT: Response to Citizens’ Technology Committee Technology Plan Proposal
DATE: February 26, 2001
Attached is a report that gives background information about the Town’s computer network infrastructure, reviews the proposals of the Citizens’ Technology Committee Technology Plan, offers the manager’s comments about those proposals and provides estimated costs for initiatives under consideration. Attachment A summarizes the estimated costs for the Technology Committee Recommendations, and Attachment B summarizes the estimated costs for Town Technology Initiatives under consideration for FY 2001-2002. Also included as Attachment C is a copy of the Technology Committee’s report.
The Citizens’ Technology Committee presented its recommendations for a Town Technology Plan to the Town Council on October 23, 2000. The Council received the Report and requested the Manager’s response to the Report.
The Technology Committee report provides a comprehensive overview of the technology issues and needs confronting the Town. The recommendations are sound and provide an excellent basis for implementing a number of improvements.
Five of the seven main areas of discussion in the Committee report are appropriate for implementation through a phased process spread over several budget years. This includes improvements for infrastructure, web site, library, geographic information systems, and information technology staffing.
Two areas, records management and radio communications, potentially involve major projects with significant funding requirements. These items will require further study to determine the best solution for the Town.
We welcome further discussion and comments from the Town Council and the Technology Committee as the budget process for the upcoming budget continues.
We will continue to assess technology needs and potential resources available within the overall context of the proposed budget for 2001-2002. We plan to include our initial funding recommendations for technology plan improvements in the preliminary budget report scheduled for presentation to the Council on March 26.