February 28, 2003
Public Works Department – Management & Support Services Division
Initial Budget Presentation to the Mayor and Town Council
The primary mission of the Management & Support Services Division is overall management and administrative support necessary for achieving public works operational goals and objectives.
The key services provided by the division are:
· Management oversight of four operating divisions
· Budget preparation, monitoring and control
· Development and implementation of capital improvement programs
· Personnel management, including coordination of training programs
· Departmental safety coordination
· reparation of reports, both ongoing, routine staff work and special assignments as needed
· Overall departmental review of design and development plans
· Enforcement of Town’s Landscape and Tree Protection Ordinance
· Provision of landscape design services for Town projects
· Participation in process for development of new Town Operations Center
The following tables present budget data for the department and for the division.
Public Works Department
2002-2003 |
Requested 2003-2004 |
Budget Category |
Original Budget |
Budget |
Personnel |
5,975,538 |
5,992,700 |
Operations |
4,610,539 |
4,601,700 |
Capital Equipment |
27,000 |
35,600 |
10,613,077 |
10,630,000 |
2002-2003 |
Requested 2003-2004 |
Budget Category |
Original Budget |
Budget |
Personnel |
444,834 |
450,100 |
Operations |
44,300 |
44,300 |
Capital Equipment |
0 |
0 |
489,134 |
494,400 |
Key Cost Issues in Base Budget Request
VIII. 5% Cut
See discussion under Solid Waste Services section.
February 28, 2003
Public Works Department – Field Operations Division
Initial Budget Presentation to the Mayor and Town Council
The primary mission of the Field Operations Division is to provide safe, well maintained rights-of-way and sound infrastructure throughout the Town.
The key services provided by the division are:
Traffic Section
· Installing and maintaining signs and pavement markings along Town streets
· Maintaining closed loop traffic signalization system
· Providing street lighting Town-wide
Construction Section
· Reconstructing selected streets
· Installing sidewalks and other projects, including Streetscape improvements
· Constructing small to medium projects for Public Works and other Town departments
Streets Section
· Maintaining Town’s rights-of-way, including streets and sidewalks
· Seasonally collecting leaves at the curb
· Cleaning streets in times of inclement weather and following special events
Right-of-Way/Drainage Section
· Maintaining Town’s stormwater drainage system
· Scheduled cleaning and sweeping of Town streets
· Maintaining rights-of-way through removal of trees and vegetation interfering with sight and planting and maintaining street trees
Provided with Management and Support Services section.
IV. Departmental Base Budget Cost Estimates
The following table presents budget data for the division.
2002-2003 |
Requested 2003-2004 |
Original Budget |
Budget |
Personnel |
2,096,831 |
2,079,400 |
Operations |
1,707,103 |
1,747,700 |
Capital Equipment |
0 |
11,000 |
3,803,934 |
3,838,100 |
Key Cost Issues in Base Budget Request
VI. Key Programs or Services that Could be Improved
· Reconstruction of selective streets
· Inspection and improvements to aging stormwater drainage infrastructure
· Additional Street Reconstruction
Cost -- $22,000. The requested addition would restore funding to a total of $58,000, which is still below the previous budget of $72,000. Among the current needs are Friday Center Drive, Coleridge Drive, and possibly unfunded portions of repairs to Holly Lane and Curtis Road.
· Contract Snow Removal
Cost -- $8,000. Funds would be used to establish formal agreements with local contractors for motor graders and loaders to assist with snow removal following significant snowfalls. In 2001-02, we spent ~$15,000 for this service and this year we have spent ~$10,600. Without dedicated funding, it is difficult to ensure adequate support.
· Resurfacing
Cost -- $28,500. Our current resurfacing contract allows for up to a two-year extension at the base rates, if mutually agreeable to both parties. Our contractor (Central Paving Company, Inc.) has notified us that they will not extend the current contract unit prices, due to increases and uncertainties associated with oil prices. Based on information provide by the current contractor and our average bid prices last year, we currently anticipated a overall increase of 12% or $28,500 in our cost.
· Sand/Salt Box Spreader
Cost -- $7,500. Expansion to five spreaders to enhance snow/ice removal operations. Our goal is to have one unit mounted on each of our eight primary plow trucks. This piece of equipment was removed from our base budget request last year as a result of reduced revenues.
· Drainage Channel Maintenance
Cost -- $35,000. Funds would allow for contracted clearing of the drainage channel in the Oaks neighborhood. This channel was last cleared at the time of acceptance of the channel and a significant amount of silt and vegetation has accumulated in it since that time. The cost estimate assumes that the Town would perform some of the work.
· Add Paving Machine
Total cost -- $95,000. First year cost -- $7,700. Funds would add a small paving machine to the Streets section in Field Operations. A paving machine would allow us to perform more effective patching, especially on larger patches, as well as pave asphalt sidewalks, bike paths and greenways. These tasks are now performed either by contract or by hand.
VIII. 5% Cut
See discussion under Solid Waste Services section.
February 28, 2003
Public Works – Internal Services
Initial Budget Presentation to the Mayor and Town Council
I. Mission Statement
The primary mission of the Internal Services Division, Public Works Department is to provide fleet maintenance services and facilities maintenance services to all Town Departments except for Transit’s fleet maintenance and Housing’s facilities maintenance.
II. Brief Services Description
The key services provided by the division are:
Fleet Section:
Buildings Section:
III. Departmental Revenue Estimates
Provided with Management & Support Services Division section.
IV. Departmental Base Budget Cost Estimates
Budget Category |
2002-2003 Original Budget |
Requested 2003-2004 Budget |
Personnel |
911,519 |
935,000 |
Operations |
816,024 |
845,000 |
Capital Equipment |
27,000 |
13,000 |
1,754,543 |
1,793,000 |
Key Cost Issues in the Base Budget
V. Key Programs or Services that are Going Well
Fleet Section:
ü Elimination of marginally operational vehicles
ü Improvements to operational reliability
ü Mechanic position reallocation
Buildings Section:
VI. Key Programs or Services that Could be Improved
Fleet Section:
Buildings Section:
VII. Proposed Additions or Reductions
VIII. 5% Cut
See discussion under Solid Waste Services section.
February 28, 2003
Public Works Department – Landscape Division
Initial Budget Presentation to the Mayor and Town Council
The primary mission of the Landscape Division is to maintain grounds at Town’s facilities, including Public Housing, recreational areas, entranceways and cemeteries.
The key services provided by the division are:
· Scheduled grounds maintenance at parks, cemeteries, parking lots, public facilities, Public Housing and other public locations
· Maintenance of rights-of-way through replacement of trees and shrubs and mowing of road shoulders
· Maintenance and inspection of Town’s playgrounds, including equipment, at parks and Public Housing sites to assure that playground safety standards are met
Provided with Management & Support Services Division section.
The following table presents budget data for the division.
Budget Category |
2002-2003 |
Requested 2003-2004 |
Original Budget |
Budget |
Personnel |
940,606 |
948,100 |
Operations |
387,302 |
390,300 |
Capital Equipment |
0 |
11,600 |
1,327,908 |
1,350,000 |
Key Cost Issues in Base Budget Request
· Seven day a week (including holidays) service to high maintenance areas, including parks, Franklin Street, parking lots and selected Housing units.
· Special event coordination, including two annual street fairs, the annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony and various dedications.
· General mowing services along rights-of-way (including sidewalks and bike ways) because of inadequate resources to properly maintain (edge, mow, blow, etc.) recent sidewalk additions and existing curbs and sidewalk areas throughout Town.
· Playgrounds Town-wide are in need of service upgrades due to increased frequency of use and the stricter enforcement of playground safety regulations.
Cost - $3,500 1st year. Funds would be used to maintain the soccer fields and trails at Meadowmont park.
Cost - $900 1st year. Funds would be used to maintain the median and shoulders in the Parkside area.
VIII. 5% Cut
See discussion under Solid Waste Services section.
February 28, 2003
Solid Waste Services Division
Initial Budget Presentation to the Mayor and Town Council
I. Mission Statement
The primary mission of the Public Works Solid Waste Services Division is to collect and
Dispose of municipal solid waste generated within the Town of Chapel Hill.
II. Brief Services Description
The key services provided by the division are, residential and commercial refuse collection, brush collection, town center litter clean-up, public rights-of-way clean-up and dumpster rental.
III. Departmental Revenue Estimates
Provided with Management & Support Services Division section.
IV. Departmental Base Budget Cost Estimates
The following table presents budget data for the division.
Budget Category |
2002-2003 Original Budget |
Requested 2003-2004 Budget |
Personnel |
1,581,748 |
1,072,000 |
Operations |
1,655,810 |
1,574,400 |
Capital Equipment |
0 |
0 |
3,237,558 |
3,154,500 |
V. Key Programs or Services that are Going Well
Once weekly collection of residential garbage and once weekly collection of residential yard waste.
VI. Key Programs or Services that Could be Improved
Solid Waste Services citation enforcement could be improved by adding a full time enforcement officer.
VII. Proposed Additions or Reductions
Additional residential solid waste crew and truck -- $108,300 (1 SEO II and 2 Collectors, plus ½ year installment payment on rear loading garbage truck). Our residential workload has continued to grow in the past several years. In Meadowmont alone we have added over 200 collection points in the past year, plus, with as many more planned for the next few years. This growth has been mirrored in the Airport Road area and Erwin Road corridor.
VIII. 5% Cut.
The only way to achieve such a large reduction would be to eliminate a program. The single program reduction that could cut the budget by the suggested level would be to eliminate commercial garbage service.
Assuming a 10/1/03 implementation date and laying off three commercial drivers, first year savings could equal $708,500. Subsequent years would equal $521,500. The difference lies in the one-time sale of capital assets in the first year. We would recommend that the three positions not be eliminated; rather, we would propose using these employees for backup for other programs, for special event cleanup and for storm response, especially winter storms. The adjusted savings if the positions were retained would be $647,000 in the first year and $387,000 in subsequent years.