Notice to people with impaired hearing: Interpreter services and/or special equipment are available with five days prior notice.

Notice to citizens who wish to speak: As a courtesy to others, a citizen speaking on an agenda item or making a petition is normally limited to three minutes. Persons who are organizing a group presentation and who wish to speak beyond the three minute limit are requested to make prior arrangements through the Mayor’s Office by calling 968-2714. If you wish to address the Council this evening, please go to the front right corner of the Council Chamber and sign up with the Town Clerk. Please note the estimated times allotted for agenda items are only estimates. The Council may also change the order in which agenda items are presented.

Agenda items for review: Agenda items are available on the Town’s web site,, by 12 noon on Friday before a Council meeting. Citizens may request copies of agenda items in the Town Clerk’s Office at 968-2743 or may view them at the Reference Desk in the Chapel Hill Public Library (100 Library Drive).

Cablecast of Council Meetings: All Council meetings are cablecast on Time Warner Cable of Chapel Hill Channel 18 at 7:00 p.m. and are rebroadcast at 9:00 a.m. the morning after the night meeting. Generally, the meetings are also cablecast on Durham Cable Vision Channel 8 at 1:00 p.m. on the Friday following the Council meeting.

Chapel Hill Town Council Agenda

Monday, February 13, 2006

*Revised February 10, 2006

7:00 pm

Town Council Regular Business Meeting

Estimated Time

Agenda Item

  1. Ceremonies: None

  1. Public Hearings: None


  1. Petitions by citizens and announcements by Council members.

    1. Petitions by citizens on items not on the agenda.

      1. Silver Creek Homeowners Association Requesting Brick Speed Humps on Silver Creek Trail.

      2. Change in Charge for Housing and Community Development Advisory Board.

      3. Carolina Realty Regarding the Purchase of Town-Owned Property.

      4. T. Scott Cobb, Jr. Regarding Homeowners’ Responsibility to Maintain Property.

      5. Rachel Lewis-Marlow Regarding Design Changes to Southern Community Park Plans.

      6. Jay Klompmaker Regarding Speed Table Proposed with Stamped Asphalt for the Oaks II Neighborhood.

      7. *Habitat for Humanity Requesting Extension of Loan..

      8. *Sunrise Coalition Requesting Extension of Loan..

    2. Petitions by citizens on items on the agenda.

    3. Announcements by Council members.


  1. Consent agenda: action items (R-1). (Any item may be removed for separate discussion at the end of the Council meeting.)

    1. Nominations to various Boards and Committees (R-2).

    2. Resolution Endorsing Incorporation of Hillsborough in Mountains to Sea Trail (R-3).

    3. Technical Correction to Ordinance on Employee Civil Leave (O-1).

    4. Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Vehicle Replacement Plan (R-4).

    5. Amendment to On-Street Parking Regulations on Sykes Street, East Franklin Street, West Franklin Street and Henderson Street. (O-2).

    6. Consideration of On-Street Parking Restrictions on Coker Drive (O-3).

    7. Process for Selection of Design Services for Library (R-5).

    8. Response to Active Living by Design Advisory Committee’s Request for National Safe Routes to School Partnership (R-6).


  1. Information items. (Any item may be removed for separate discussion at the end of the Council meeting.)

    1. 2005-2006 Second Quarterly Report.

    2. OWASA Quarterly Report.

    3. Orange Community Housing Land Trust Quarterly Report.

    4. Response to Public Arts Commission Petition.

    5. Response to Request to Lower Speed Limit on Pope Road (R-7 if desired).

    6. Response to Petition Regarding Temporary Stop Signs During Power Outages.

    7. Response to Petition to Reduce Disturbance from Garbage, Trash and Recycling Collection Noise.


  1. Chapel Hill Kehillah Park and Ride Terminal – Special Use Permit.

    1. Continuation of a Public Hearing for Chapel Hill Kehillah Park and Ride Terminal.

      • Swearing of all persons wishing to present evidence

      • Introduction and recommendation by the Manager

      • Presentation of evidence by the applicant

      • Presentation of evidence by citizens

      • Comments and questions from the Mayor and Town Council

      • Applicant’s statement regarding proposed conditions

      • Motion to adjourn hearing.

    2. Consideration of Resolution to Approve an Application for a Special Use Permit (R-8a, b, c, d and e would deny).


  1. Sidewalk Construction Plan for 2005-2006 (R-9).


  1. Land Use Management Ordinance Text Amendment Modifications to Ordinance Associated with Legislative Changes (O-4).


  1. Follow Up Report on Council Goals (R-10).


  1. Appointments:

    1. HOME Committee (R-11).

    2. Joint Orange Chatham Community Action (R-12).

    3. Parks and Recreation Commission.


  1. Discussion of Letter from Chancellor Moeser.


  1. Petitions:

    1. By the Mayor and Council Members.

      1. Consideration of Dental Insurance for Town Council Members.

      2. *Request for Information About Police Stops.

    2. By the Manager and Attorney.

  1. Reserved for discussion of consent agenda items if necessary.

  1. Request for closed session to discuss property acquisition, personnel, and litigation matters.