TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
SUBJECT: Draft Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro 2006-2012 Regional Transportation Priority List
DATE: October 27, 2003
The adoption of the attached resolution would provide the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Transportation Advisory Committee with comments on the Draft 2006-2012 Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Regional Transportation Project Priority List.
The Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Transportation Advisory Committee has begun the process of developing the 2006-2012 Transportation Improvement Program. The Committee has requested that local jurisdictions prepare project priority lists for use in developing a Regional Priority List.
On September 8, 2003, the Council adopted a schedule for preparing the 2006-2012 Chapel Hill Transportation Project Priority List. The Council held a public forum on October 8, 2003, to receive public comment (Attachment 1).
The Council’s 2006-2012 Priority List and comments will be submitted to the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Transportation Advisory Committee for use in developing the Regional 2006-2012 Priority List and the 2006-2012 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program. The Regional List will also be submitted to the North Carolina Department of Transportation for use in developing the draft State 2006-2012 Transportation Improvement Program.
The following issues were raised during the public forum.
A Council member requested that sidewalks and a turn lane be provided along Weaver Dairy Road, south of the area included in the current Weaver Dairy Road project, in the vicinity of Sedgefield Drive.
Comment: The section of Weaver Dairy Road at Sedgefield Drive is not part of the currently funded Weaver Dairy Road project. We understand that the North Carolina of Transportation has funded the installation of turn lanes on Weaver Dairy Road at Sedgefield Drive. The Town’s share of the project would be to acquire the right-of-way needed for the project, which we estimate to be approximately $15,000.
Sidewalks along this portion of Weaver Dairy Road could be considered for funding from the Town’s Capital Improvements Program or the Surface Transportation Program Direct Allocation fund.
A Council member questioned the appropriateness of including sidewalk projects in the Transportation Improvement Program rather than focusing on larger projects such as bike facility construction.
Comment: Funding for bicycle and pedestrian projects is available from several sources. The North Carolina Department of Transportation provides funding from the Bicycle and Pedestrian Program. Annual Statewide funding for this program totals approximately $3 million, with a project limit of $300,000 per project. These funds are dedicated to independent bicycle and pedestrian projects, unrelated to general roadway widenings. The State is currently preparing a feasibility study along Seawell School Road, between Homestead Road and Estes Drive, for possible funding from this program for bicycle, pedestrian and safety improvements.
The Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization also provides funding for sidewalk and pedestrian projects from the federal Surface Transportation Program Direct Allocation fund. The Metropolitan Planning Organization receives approximately $3 million annually for transportation improvements within the Urban Area, which includes Durham County and the lower half of Orange County. These funds require a 20% local match and local administration of the project. The Town has received funding from the Direct Allocation program for several pedestrian, bicycle and transit projects. The Town currently is using $100,000 in these funds to provide sidewalks along Airport Road and has requested an additional $100,000 in fiscal year 2003-2004 for these improvements.
Both the State Bicycle and Pedestrian Program funding and the Urban Area Direct Allocation funds are reflected in the Transportation Improvement Program.
In contrast to sidewalk projects, in which even relatively small projects can provide benefits to the community, most bicycle improvement projects are larger in scope and cost. The limited funding available from the North Carolina Department of Transportation under the Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Program could be combined with funding from the Direct Allocation fund for larger bicycle projects.
At the October 15, 2003 Joint Planning Public Hearing, citizens from several neighborhoods in the Homestead Road and Rogers Road area requested that pedestrian access to Chapel Hill High School be improved.
Comment: The Homestead Road project, previously funded in the Transportation Improvement Program, did include provisions for bicycle and pedestrian facilities. At the Town’s request the Metropolitan Planning Organization reprogrammed the Transportation Improvement Program funding from the Homestead Road project to the Town’s Transit Maintenance facility. We recommend that the Homestead Road project be included in the Town’s Priority List as priority #6.
We note that the North Carolina Department of Transportation has agreed to provide funding from the Moving Ahead program to provide widened shoulders along Homestead Road, from NC 86 to Old NC 86. This project is anticipated to be complete by the end of 2004.
In addition to comments from the public, Town advisory boards have provided the Council with comments and recommendations. Copies of advisory board recommendations are included in Attachment 1, pages 20-24. Attachment 2 provides a comparison of comments and recommendations offered by advisory boards on specific projects included in the adopted 2004-2010 Priority List and the Manager’s Recommended 2006-2012 Priority List. Attachment 2 also includes a list of the new projects proposed to be added.
Transportation Board Recommendation: (Attachment 1, page 20) The Transportation Board reviewed the 2004-2010 Priority List and recommended that the following projects be included in priority order:
· Airport Road Pedestrian Islands.
Comment: If the Town is awarded a grant from Active Living By Design, a study of pedestrian and bicycle safety along NC 86/Airport Road will be completed. We anticipate final notification of the Active Living By Design Grant in late October 2003. This study will evaluate possible improvements along the corridor including the addition of pedestrian islands. Until that study is completed and the Council endorses a strategy in the corridor, it would be premature to request inclusion of a project in the Transportation Improvement Program.
· Homestead Road Sidewalk-High School Road to Orange County Human Service Center.
Comment: We have recommended the inclusion of the Homestead Road bicycle, pedestrian and safety improvement project in the 2006-2012 draft Priority List as priority #6. This project would provide bicycle and pedestrian improvements along the corridor identified by the Transportation Board.
· Signal System Upgrade
Comment: We continue to believe that the signal system needs to be upgraded and propose this project for priority #2 in the draft List.
· Pedestrian Crossing: Franklin Street at Elizabeth Street
Comment: We recognize the need to improve pedestrian access across Franklin Street at Elizabeth Street. Staff from the Town and University are reviewing possible options to improve pedestrian safety. Once a set of improvements is recommended and approved by the Council we recommend the Town pursue funding from several sources, including the North Carolina Department of Transportation Division 7 Small Urban Improvements fund.
· Merritt Mill Road Sidewalk
Comment: The addition of a short section of sidewalk to Merritt Mill Road would not be eligible as a separate Transportation Improvement Program project. We suggest including this section in the Town’s local sidewalk priority list and funding the improvements with local funds. We recommend removing the Merritt Mill Road project, priority #17, from the 2006-2012 Priority List.
· Bike/Pedestrian connection: Chapel Hill Community Center to Willow Drive
Comment: We have recommended adding the request for bicycle and pedestrian connection between the Chapel Hill Community Center and Willow Drive as priority #9.
· Project #11, Bolin Creek Greenway, Airport Road to Umstead Park and #13, Piney Mountain Road improvements, be given lower priority
Comment: The Manager’s Recommended Priority List (Attachment 3) proposes to include Bolin Creek Greenway as priority #12 and Piney Mountain Road as priority #16.
Planning Board Recommendation: (Attachment 1, page 21)
· Morgan Creek Greenway: The Planning Board reviewed the 2004-2010 Chapel Hill Priority List and recommended that Project #7, Morgan Creek Greenway be moved up to priority #5.
Comment: The Morgan Creek Greenway is proposed as priority #7. We note that this project has been provided with $720,000 in project funding from the Surface Transportation Program Direct Allocation program.
· Rosemary Street Sidewalks: The Board also recommended that a new project, Rosemary Street Sidewalks, be added.
Comment: The Town continues to use local Capital Improvements Program funds to provide additional sidewalks along Rosemary Street. The Town is about to add sidewalks along a portion of West Rosemary Street at Roberson Street. The Town continues to acquire easements where possible to provide additional sidewalks. At this time, the Town has been unable to obtain easements for three sections of sidewalk along West Rosemary Street. The Town has considered using Direct Allocation funds for these sidewalks but federal regulations governing right-of-way purchase creates difficulties.
Greenways Commission: (Attachment 1, page 23) The Commission reviewed the 2004-2010 Chapel Hill Priority List and recommended:
· Rail Trail: The Rail Trail be added to the Priority List between #11, Bolin Creek Greenway and #12, Ephesus Church Road bicycle lanes.
Comment: The Rail Trail, between Estes Drive and the Horace Williams property, is proposed to be added as priority #14. Successful implementation of this project will require coordination with the Town of Carrboro. This project is included in the Town’s Greenways Master Plan. This places it after the Bolin Creek Greenway (#12) and before Ephesus Church Road bicycle lanes (#15).
Parks and Recreation Commission: (Attachment 1, page 22) The Commission reviewed the 2004-2010 Chapel Hill Priority List and recommended:
· Rail Trail: The Rail Trail, providing access to future University development on the Horace Williams property, be added to the list.
Comment: We have proposed to add the Rail Trail, between Merritt Mill Road and the Horace Williams property, as priority #14.
Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board: (Attachment 1, page 24) The Board reviewed the 2004-2010 Chapel Hill Priority List and made the following comments (a quorum was not present):
· Estes Drive: Request funding for Estes Drive Extension now (existing Priority #2).
Comment: We recommend the Estes Drive Extension project as priority #3. We note that the 2004-2010 Transportation Improvement Program identifies this project for future funding.
· Manning Drive: The Board questioned the reason for Manning Drive project (existing Priority #16).
Comment: The Manning Drive project proposed providing a sidewalk along the east side of Manning Drive. We have been advised by the University of North Carolina that additional right-of-way from the Coker Arboretum would be required to construct this sidewalk. We recommend removing this project from the Priority List.
Comment: We agree that this project would provide improved mobility for residents of the area and would connect with existing bicycle and pedestrian facilities in Meadowmont and along NC 54. We have recommended it be included in the Priority List as #13.
Comment: Both bicycle lanes and wide outside lanes are allowed under the Town’s current Bike Facilities Policy. We believe that requesting bicycle lanes in the Priority List will make it more likely that adequate funding is provided for the project during the planning stage to add bicycle lanes if conditions meet the Town’s Policy. The Priority List includes a description of that Policy. The Council includes similar language in the 2004-2010 Chapel Hill Priority List.
After action by the Council the 2006-2012 Chapel Hill Priority List will be submitted to the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Transportation Advisory Committee for their use in developing a Regional Priority List. It is anticipated that the Transportation Advisory Committee will approve a draft Regional List on December 10, 2003, and hold a public hearing on the List on January 14, 2004. The public comment period on the draft List will extend from December 10, 2003, until February 1, 2004. During this period the Council will be given an opportunity to review and comment on the draft Regional List. The Transportation Advisory Committee is expected to approve the List on February 11, 2004.
Once approved, the Regional Priority List will be submitted to the North Carolina Department of Transportation for preparing the draft 2006-2012 State Transportation Improvement Program. Representatives from the Transportation Advisory Committee and the Department of Transportation will use the Regional List in negotiations concerning the development of the final State and Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Programs for 2006-2012.
Manager’s Recommendation: That the Council adopt the attached resolution approving the Chapel Hill 2006-2012 Transportation Priority List. Attachment 2 provides a comparison of the advisory board recommendations and the Manager’s Priority List.
1. Transit Capital Projects (FY 2006-2010). (Same Priority)
2. Upgrade Chapel Hill Signal System- Improve Chapel Hill signal system.(Same Priority)
3. Estes Drive Extension - N.C. 86 to Greensboro Street (Carrboro), widen to three lanes with five foot bicycle lanes* and sidewalks. (Same Priority)
4. Old Durham-Chapel Hill Road: U.S. 15-501 to I-40-Construct five-foot bicycle lanes* and sidewalks. (Same Priority)
5. Seawell School Road-Improvements from Homestead Road to Estes Drive Extension, including turn lanes, bicycle lanes*, sidewalks and transit accommodations. (Same Priority)
6. Homestead Road-NC86 to High School Road, provide bicycle lanes*, sidewalks and turn lanes. (New Project)
7. Morgan Creek Greenway-Construct a greenway from the Southern Village to Frank Porter Graham Elementary School. (Formerly priority #8)
8. Estes Drive-NC 86 to Curtis Road, widen existing roadway to include two 12-foot travel lanes, four-foot bicycle lanes* and sidewalks. (Formerly priority #6)
9. Community Center to Willow Drive-bicycle and pedestrian connection to Bolin Creek Greenway. (New project)
10. Franklin Street/Bolin Creek Greenway Pedestrian/Bicycle Access: Install pedestrian/bicycle access between Franklin Street and Bolin Creek Greenway. (Formerly priority #9)
11. Estes Drive- Curtis Road to Franklin Street, construct sidewalk along entire length and provide pedestrian signal at intersection with Chapel Hill Library Drive. (Formerly priority #10)
12. Bolin Creek Greenway- Construct a greenway from Airport Road to Umstead Park. (Formerly priority #11)
13. Barbee Chapel Road- NC54 to Downing Creek Parkway, provide sidewalks and bicycle lanes*. (New project)
14. Southern Railroad Greenway- Construct a greenway along the Southern Railroad right of way from Estes Drive to the University Horace Williams property. (New project)
15. Pope Road - Ephesus Church Road - construct five foot bicycle lanes*. (Formerly priority #12)
16. Piney Mountain Road-Improvements from NC 86 to Riggsbee Road, including turn lanes, sidewalks, bicycle lanes* and transit accommodations. (Formerly priority #13)
17. Mount Carmel Church Road: Improvements from U.S. 15-501 South to Chatham County line, to be limited to include bicycle lanes*, sidewalks, transit and safety improvements. (Formerly priority #14)
18. Dry Creek Greenway-Construct a greenway from Perry Creek Drive to Erwin Road. (Formerly priority #15)
19. Upper Booker Creek Greenway-Construct a 10-foot bikeway from the Northern Community Park to Weaver Dairy Road Extension. (Formerly priority #18)
20. Country Club Road-Construct a sidewalk on the east side from South Road to Raleigh Street. (Formerly priority #19)
21. Fordham Boulevard- Construct a sidewalk along the north side, Manning Drive to Carmichael Street. (Formerly priority #20)
22. Bolin Creek/Little Creek Greenway-Construct a greenway from Chapel Hill Community Center to Pinehurst Drive. (Formerly priority # 21)
23. Old Mason Farm/Finley Golf Course Road- Construct bicycle lanes* and sidewalks. (Formerly priority #22)
*Bicycle lanes will only be constructed if they meet the criteria adopted by the Town of Chapel Hill. If the proposed bicycle lanes do not meet the criteria wide outside lanes will be included in the project.
WHEREAS, the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Transportation Advisory Committee has begun the process to develop the 2006-2012 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program; and
WHEREAS, the Transportation Advisory Committee will develop a Regional Transportation Priority List for use in developing the Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program; and
WHEREAS, the Transportation Advisory Committee has requested local governments develop transportation priority lists for use in preparing the Regional Priority List; and
WHEREAS, the Council has received comments from the public on transportation priorities;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council adopts the following list as the 2006-2012 Transportation Priority List for submission to the Transportation Advisory Committee:
1. Transit Capital Projects (FY 2006-2010).
2. Upgrade Chapel Hill Signal System- Improve Chapel Hill signal system.
3. Estes Drive Extension - N.C. 86 to Greensboro Street (Carrboro), widen to three lanes with five foot bicycle lanes* and sidewalks.
4. Old Durham-Chapel Hill Road: U.S. 15-501 to I-40-Construct five-foot bicycle lanes* and sidewalks.
5. Seawell School Road-Improvements from Homestead Road to Estes Drive Extension, including turn lanes, bicycle lanes*, sidewalks and transit accommodations.
6. Homestead Road-NC86 to High School Road, provide bicycle lanes*, sidewalks and turn lanes.
7. Morgan Creek Greenway-Construct a greenway from the Southern Village to Frank Porter Graham Elementary School
8. Estes Drive-NC 86 to Curtis Road, widen existing roadway to include two 12-foot travel lanes, four-foot bicycle lanes* and sidewalks.
9. Community Center to Willow Drive-bicycle and pedestrian connection to Bolin Creek Greenway.
10. Franklin Street/Bolin Creek Greenway Pedestrian/Bicycle Access: Install pedestrian/bicycle access between Franklin Street and Bolin Creek Greenway.
11. Estes Drive- Curtis Road to Franklin Street, construct sidewalk along entire length and provide pedestrian signal at intersection with Chapel Hill Library Drive.
12. Bolin Creek Greenway- Construct a greenway from Airport Road to Umstead Park.
13. Barbee Chapel Road- NC54 to Downing Creek Parkway, provide sidewalks and bicycle lanes*.
14. Southern Railroad Greenway- Construct a greenway along the Southern Railroad right of way from Estes Drive to the University Horace Williams property.
15. Pope Road - Ephesus Church Road - construct five foot bicycle lanes*.
16. Piney Mountain Road-Improvements from NC 86 to Riggsbee Road, including turn lanes, sidewalks, bicycle lanes* and transit accommodations.
17. Mount Carmel Church Road: Improvements from U.S. 15-501 South to Chatham County line, to be limited to include bicycle lanes*, sidewalks, transit and safety improvements.
18. Dry Creek Greenway-Construct a greenway from Perry Creek Drive to Erwin Road.
19. Upper Booker Creek Greenway-Construct a 10-foot bikeway from the Northern Community Park to Weaver Dairy Road Extension
20. Country Club Road-Construct a sidewalk on the east side from South Road to Raleigh Street.
21. Fordham Boulevard- Construct a sidewalk along the north side, Manning Drive to Carmichael Street.
22. Bolin Creek/Little Creek Greenway-Construct a greenway from Chapel Hill Community Center to Pinehurst Drive.
23. Old Mason Farm/Finley Golf Course Road- Construct bicycle lanes* and sidewalks.
*Bicycle lanes will only be constructed if they meet the criteria adopted by the Town of Chapel Hill. If the proposed bicycle lanes do not meet the criteria wide outside lanes will be included in the project.
This the 27th day of October, 2003.