TO: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
From: Roger S. Waldon, Planning Director
Subject: Concept Plan: Proposed Changes to Eastowne 501 Office Building
DATE: November 17, 2003
Attached is proposal for Concept Plan review. The applicant’s proposal involves modifying the Eastowne 501 Office Building Special Use Permit approved by the Town Council in 2001. The 3.8 acre tract is located at 501 Eastowne Drive.
On January 27, 2003, the Council enacted a Land Use Management Ordinance requiring that the Council conduct a Concept Plan Review for proposed developments meeting specific land or floor area thresholds. Applications (other than in Town Center) meeting any of the minimum thresholds as shown below require Town Council review in addition to Community Design Commission review:
Characteristic Threshold Triggering Council Review
Land Area 5 acres
Floor Area 100,000 square feet
# of Dwelling Units 50 dwelling units
The Council has the opportunity tonight to hear this applicant’s presentation, receive a set of comments from the Community Design Commission, hear public comment, and offer suggestions to the applicant for consideration as further plans are drawn. At the conclusion of the evening’s discussions, we recommend that the Council adopt a resolution (attached) transmitting comments to the applicant.
An excerpt from the Land Use Management Ordinance with a description of the process for Concept Plans is attached.
The Concept Plan review process does not involve staff evaluation of the proposal. Review of the Concept Plan submittal is conducted by the Community Design Commission and, in some instances, the Town Council, as noted above.
A Concept Plan is a preliminary step toward the preparation of a formal development plan and application. The Land Use Management Ordinance states that design and construction of site elements should include:
· Appropriate descriptions and explanations of the relationship and balance among site elements;
· The relationship of the development to natural features, neighboring developments and undeveloped land;
· Access and circulation systems;
· Retention of natural vegetation, minimal alteration of natural topography, mitigation of erosion and sedimentation, mitigation of stormwater drainage and flooding;
· Arrangement and orientation of buildings and amenities in relation to each other and to neighboring developments and streets;
· Landscaping, preservation or enhancement of vistas; and
· Mitigation of traffic impacts.
The Town Council and Community Design Commission, in examining development applications, are to consider the various aspects of design, with special emphasis on whether the proposed development is consistent with the Town’s Design Guidelines and the Goals and Objectives of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan. A work sheet for review of concept plans is included for Council use with this memorandum (Attachment 2).
February 21, 2001 – The Community Design Commission reviews a concept plan proposal for a for a three-level 36,800 square foot office building with 131 parking spaces located at 501 Eastowne Drive. A copy of the summary comments and proposed site plan from the 2001 meeting is attached to this memorandum (Attachment 3).
On November 12, 2001 - The Town Council approves a Special Use Permit for the Eastowne 501 Office Building located on the corner of Eastowne Drive and Old Sterling Road (501 Eastowne Drive). Located in the Office/Institutional-2 (OI-2) zoning district, the 2001 Special Use Permit authorized a three story building including 36,709 square fee of floor area and 131 parking spaces. A copy of the approved Special Use Permit and site plan is attached to this memorandum (Attachment 4).
September 17, 2003 – A new Concept Plan for the Eastowne 501 site is reviewed by the Community Design Commission. A summary of comments from the meeting is attached to this memorandum (Attachment 5).
This Concept Plan review proposes to modify a previously approved Special Use Permit for an office building on a 3.8 acre site located at 501 Eastowne Drive. The applicant is proposing to construct a two-level 30,000 square foot office building with 107 parking spaces. The subject site is located northwest of the intersection of Eastowne Drive and Old Sterling Road.
The Land Use Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Plan, identifies this site as Mixed Use, Office Emphasis. The site is located in the Office Institutional-1 zoning district. The property is within Town limits and the Town’s Urban Services Area. This Concept Plan is proposed in the context of the existing zoning for the site. The tract is located in Orange County.
A Concept Plan for this site was reviewed by the Community Design Commission on February 21 , 2001, and September 17, 2003. Copies of the Community Design Commission Summary Comments and a reduced copy of the proposed Concept Plans are attached to this memorandum (Attachments 3 and 5). The Concept Plan before the Council tonight is the same plan as the plan reviewed by the Community Design Commission on September 9, 2003.
We recommend that the Council review this Concept Plan, receive comments from the Community Design Commission and citizens, and adopt a resolution transmitting comments to the applicant.
1. Excerpt from Land Use Management Ordinance on Concept Plan procedures (p. 5).
2. Work sheet for concept plan review (p. 8).
3. Community Design Commission Summary Comments: February 21, 2001 (p. 10).
4. 2001 Special Use Permit and Site plan (p. 13).
5. Community Design Commission Summary Comments: September 17, 2003 (p. 18).
6. Concept Plan application materials (p. 20).
7. Area Map (p. 25).
8. Reduced plans (p. 26).
WHEREAS, a Concept Plan has been submitted for review by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill, for the Eastowne 501 Office Building; and
WHEREAS, the Council has heard presentations from the applicant, the Community Design Commission, and citizens; and
WHEREAS, the Council has discussed the proposal, with Council members offering reactions and suggestions;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council transmits comments to the applicant regarding this proposal, as expressed by Council members during discussion on November 17, 2003, and reflected in minutes of that meeting.
This the 17th day of November, 2003.