TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
SUBJECT: User Fee Schedules and Policies
DATE: June 27, 2005
The attached resolution would approve user fee policies, fee schedules, and facility use policies for various Town services and facilities as previously discussed by the Council. Proposed changes for 2005-06 are summarized below. See Attachment 1 for more detail. Also attached are copies of the proposed policies and fee schedules for each department for 2005-06 (see Attachment 2).
For several departments including Town Clerk, Fire and Police, we propose no changes in fees or policies for fiscal year 2005-06. Recommended changes for other departments are as discussed below.
Recommended Changes in the Engineering Department Fees
We propose implementing new fees and increasing existing fees to recover costs of providing specific products and services as noted below:
The proposed cemetery plot charges and service fees are comparable to those at other public cemeteries in the piedmont region of North Carolina.
The proposed new fees for review and inspection of work zone traffic control plans and review of requests for Traffic Impact Analysis exemptions would allow the Town to recover costs incurred for review and inspection of development and construction activities that affect public streets and rights-of-way.
Recommended Changes in the Finance Department Fees
We propose implementing new fees and increasing existing fees as follows:
Recommended Changes in the Inspection Department Fees
To recover 100% of the Inspections Department estimated budget expenditures we recommend increasing permit fees for building, electrical, plumbing and mechanical permits by about 11%. In addition, we also recommend that new fees be established to reimburse the Town for the costs of providing the following services:
· Change of Contractor
· Change of Occupancy
· Temporary Certificate of Occupancy
· Occupancy Reposting (new placard)
· Day Care Facilities Inspection
· Demolition Permit
· Stocking Permit
· Plan Review
Recommended Changes in the Library Department Fees
We recommend a $10.00 increase in non-resident fees.
Recommended Changes in the Parks and Recreation Department Fees
There are several changes recommended in the 2005-06 Town of Chapel Hill Parks and Recreation User Fee Policy. All changes have been included in the Manager’s Recommended Budget:
A fee of $20 per hour, per field, will be required for daytime reservations.
A fee of $40 per hour, per field, will be required for evening reservations involving the use of ballfield lights.
· Proposed rental rates for gymnasiums would be raised:
Gymnasiums may be rented for $50 per hour, and rentals are limited to a three-hour period. Rental of the Northside Gymnasium at the Hargraves Center for non-athletic events is acceptable with payment of an additional flat fee of $70 per rental.
· Include a $3 administrative charge to all program and activity fees to pay for criminal background checks for Parks & Recreation Department personnel.
Recommended Changes in Planning Department Fees
Recommended Changes in Public Works Department Fees
We propose implementing new fees and increasing existing fees as follows:
Recommended Changes in the Transportation Department Fees
We propose an increase to the bus card advertising rates.
That the Council adopt the attached resolution establishing the 2005-06 user fee policy.
1. Proposed Fee Changes (p. 6)
2. User Fee Policies, 2005-2006
Town Clerk’s Office (p. 13).
Engineering Department Fee Policy (p. 14).
Finance Department Parking Fee Policies (p. 16).
Fire Department Fee Schedule (p. 20).
Inspections Schedule of Permit Fees (p. 26).
Inspections Building Permit Fee Schedule (p. 29).
Public Library Fee Policy (p. 33).
Parks and Recreation Department User Fee Policy (p. 34).
Planning Department Development Review Fees (p. 49).
Police Department Fee Policy (p. 52).
Public Works Fee Policy (p. 53).
Transportation Department User Fee Policy (p. 55).
BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council hereby adopts, effective July 1, 2005, the attached user fee policies and schedules as submitted by the Town Manager on June 27, 2005:
Town Clerk – Fee Schedule
Engineering –Fee Policy, including Municipal Cemetery Fees
Finance – Parking Fee Policies
Fire – Fee Schedule
Inspections – Building Permit Fees
Miscellaneous Permit Fees
Electrical Permit Fees
Mechanical and Plumbing Permit Fees
Library – Fee Policy
Parks and Recreation – User Fees Policy
Planning – Development Review Fees
Police – Fee Policy
Public Works – Field Operations Street Cut Fee Policy
Solid Waste Services Fee Policy
Transportation – General Policy
This the 27th day of June, 2005.