
to:                  Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager

from:            J.B. Culpepper, Director of Planning

David Bonk, Long Range and Transportation Manager

subject:      Chapel Hill 2011-2017 Transportation Priority List

date:            October 20, 2008


The adoption of the attached resolution would approve the 2011-2017 Chapel Hill Transportation Project Priority List and forward the List to the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Transportation Advisory Committee (DCHC TAC) for use in the development of the 2011-2017 Regional Priority List.


The DCHC TAC has begun the process of developing the 2011-2017 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP).  The Committee has requested that local jurisdictions prepare project priority lists for use in the development of the Regional Priority List.

On September 22, 2008, the Council held a public forum to gather comments from the public on the development of the Chapel Hill priority list

The Council’s 2011-2017 Priority List and comments will be submitted to the DCHC TAC for use in the development of the Regional 2011-2017 Priority List and the 2011-2017 MTIP.  The Regional List will also be submitted to the North Carolina Department of Transportation for use in developing the State 2011-2017 Transportation Improvement Program (STIP).


In May 2007, the Town Council adopted a Chapel Hill Transportation Priority List as part of the development of the 2009-2015 MTIP and STIP.  We have used the adopted list to initiate discussion with Town advisory boards and the public on the development of a 2011-2017 Town Priority List. During this first review, the Town advisory boards have been asked to comment on projects currently identified on the priority list and suggest any new projects for consideration.  The DCHC TAC is currently scheduled to approve the regional priority list in January, 2009.






Comment: We believe that it would be appropriate to separate Pope Road and the Ephesus Church Road into two projects. They have been included as projects #10 and #11 in the proposed priority list.



Comment: We will continue to coordinate with staff from the Town of Carrboro and Orange County.  Attachment 1 provides an initial comparison of priority projects for each jurisdiction.



Comment:  Five foot bicycle lanes are preferred when right-of-way is sufficient. A four foot bicycle lane is within American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) standards on various types of roadways.  Staff will coordinate with the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board regarding bicycle lane standards for the Town.



Comment:  It is our understanding that off road trails must be of a hard surface and ten feet in width when using federal funds.  We will continue to explore this issue with NCDOT and report back to the Council if we find that there has been any modification to this federal requirement.



Comment: The Transportation Board has also recommended giving this project a higher priority.  The Fordham Boulevard Pedestrian Overpass/Underpass project is ranked number #6 in the proposed priority list.



Comment:  We have removed Morgan Creek Greenway Phase I because it has been funded.  Based on comments received from the Greenways Commission, we have included Morgan Creek Greenway Phase II as #21 in the proposed priority list.



Comment:  The Environmental Justice criteria give highway projects negative values when proposed projects are located in various levels of low income and minority communities.  In contrast, Transit and Bicycle and Pedestrian projects receive positive values when proposed projects are located in various levels of low income and minority communities.  Proposed projects receive no points if they have high negative impacts.  Staff will continue to review the regional ranking criteria and provide suggestions for improving the methodology to the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization.



Comment:  We have included the Cleland Drive /Burning Tree Drive sidewalk on the priority list as project #9.


Planning Board Recommendation: (Attachment 2)

The Planning Board made no new recommendations to the adopted 2009-2015 Priority List.

Parks and Recreation Commission Recommendation: (Attachment 3)

Comment:  We agree that #4 Homestead Road and #5 Seawell School Road projects should remain as top priorities on the 2011-2017 list.

Greenways Commission Recommendation: (Attachment 4)

1.      Bolin Creek Greenway (currently #3 in the proposed priority list)

2.      Bolin Creek Phase IV (formerly Southern Railroad Greenway)

3.      Morgan Creek Phase II (new)- to be addressed as part of construction

4.      Horace Williams Trail (new)

5.      Bolin Creek/Little Creek Greenway (currently #20)

Comment: We suggest that new projects Morgan Creek Phase II and the Horace Williams Trail be included in the Chapel Hill Priority List as #21 and #24.

Comment:  We suggest including the Estes Drive Extension, currently identified in the MTIP into the proposed priority list as project #8.

Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board Recommendation: (Attachment 5)

Comment: We have revised the project description for Project #22 Erwin Road to include from US15-501 to the Durham County Line.

Comment:  We suggest the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board work with staff on identifying needed improvements on Franklin Street and in the surrounding Downtown area.

1.      Merritt Mill Road/Brewer Street/Main Street/Franklin Street

2.      NC54/South Columbia Street

3.      NC54/Fordham Boulevard

Comment: We suggest that new intersection improvement projects be included in the Chapel Hill Priority List as part of project #7 Townwide Intersection Improvements.

Transportation Board Recommendation: (Attachment 6)

Comment: We agree that project #6, Pedestrian and Bicycle Overpass/Underpass across Fordham Boulevard continues to be a top priority.  Project #19 Fordham Boulevard sidewalk has been removed because funds are available.

Comment: We suggest a lower priority be given to Estes Drive, from NC86 to Curtis Road.  We recommend lowering the priority from #8 to #15 being that there is an existing off road multiuse path.

Active Living by Design Committee Recommendation: (Attachment 7)

Comment:  We propose including Fordham Boulevard/South Columbia and NC54/Fordham Boulevard intersections to project #7 Townwide Intersection Improvements project.


After adoption by the Council, the 2011-2017 Chapel Hill Priority List will be submitted to the DCHC TAC for its use in developing a Regional Priority List. It is anticipated that the TAC will approve a draft Regional List in November 2008, and release the draft List for public comment. During this period the Council will be given an opportunity to review and comment on the draft Regional List.  The TAC is expected to approve the list in January 2009.

Once approved, the Regional Priority List will be submitted to the North Carolina Department of Transportation for its use in preparing the draft 2011-2017 State Transportation Improvement Program. Representatives from the TAC and the NCDOT will use the Regional List in negotiations concerning the development of the final State and Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program for 2011-2017.


Manager’s Recommendation: That the Council adopt the attached Resolution, approving the Chapel Hill 2011-2017 Transportation Priority List.


  1. Draft Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and Orange County Comparison Table [8 KB pdf] (p. 9).
  2. Planning Board Recommendation (p. 10).
  3. Draft Parks and Recreation Commission Recommendation (p. 11).
  4. Draft Greenways Commission Recommendation (p. 12).
  5. Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board Recommendation (p. 13).
  6. Transportation Board Recommendation [22 KB pdf] (p. 14).
  7. Active Living by Design Committee Recommendation (p. 15).
  8. Comments Received from the Public [44 KB pdf] (p. 17).