TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
SUBJECT: Recommended 2004 Downtown Improvement Project
Adoption of the attached
resolution would authorize the Town Manager to submit a Specialty Lighting
Request to Duke Power Company for the installation of street and pedestrian
lighting at two downtown locations where other Streetscape improvements,
including the underground duct bank necessary to serve the proposed light
fixtures, have already been completed. These locations include the north side
In 1996, $1,000,000 in Streets and Sidewalks bonds were approved for Streetscape improvements. Of the total $1,000,000, approximately $554,316 has been allocated for construction projects since 1999 and an additional $350,000 has been encumbered for lighting and traffic signal improvements.
The final balance remaining of the 1996 Streets and Sidewalks bond funds is approximately $96,000 which is estimated to be sufficient for completion of the recommended lighting improvements.
In November of 2003, a bond referendum was approved by voters that included authorization of $2 million for future Streetscape projects, including lighting. We anticipate that the initial sale of bonds will generate $500,000 for Streetscape improvements by 2005. Of that total, approximately $300,000 could be used for lighting and traffic signal improvements in addition to those being proposed to be installed with the available funding. The approximately $200,000 in remaining funds could be used to construct sidewalk improvements at several locations including one or more of those presented as options in this report and outlined in the attachments.
Each year prior to construction,
we have provided the Council with proposals detailing different locations where
Streetscape improvements are needed and could be constructed using in-house
labor during the summer construction season. This report presents one option
that describes installation of custom lighting in sections where Streetscape
improvements are already in place, including the underground ductbank necessary
to serve the new light fixtures. In addition to this recommended project, four options
are provided that involve Streetscape sidewalk reconstruction projects that are
each of a size that can be completed using primarily in-house labor between June
1 and
The attachments include detailed descriptions of each of the five proposals accompanied by summaries of advantages and disadvantages, and cost estimates for each option. Conceptual plans of the four construction projects presented for consideration are also included (Attachments 3, 4, 5 and 6).
Recommended Project – Install custom street and pedestrian lighting improvements in two locations where other Streetscape improvements have previously been completed: 1) the north side of West Franklin Street from Church Street to 306 (formerly Fowlers); and 2) the south side of West Franklin Street in front of the University Baptist Church, at an estimated cost of $95,000. A detailed description of this project is included in Attachment 2.
The two locations recommended for lighting improvements are adjacent to the two downtown locations (the 100 block of East Franklin Street and the Streetscape demonstration project site in the 400 block of West Franklin Street), where lighting improvements have already been installed. We believe that the installation of lighting improvements at these locations will start to complete a more continuous and uniform pattern of downtown lighting that will not only be an aesthetic improvement but will improve visibility and pedestrian safety in these areas. Another advantage to the recommended project is that it could be accomplished without utilizing the Public Works Department’s construction crew thereby freeing up this labor resource for use on pending sidewalk construction projects that would otherwise be delayed.
Possible Options: In addition to the above recommended project, the Council could consider other possible projects that would utilize the approximately $96,000 in available funding. Four alternative projects are presented in this report and include:
Option 1 - South side of the 400 block of West Franklin Street from Kenan Street to the west side of Parking Lot #3 (Attachment 3) at an estimated cost of $111,000;
Option 2 - South side of the 400 block of West Franklin Street from the former Chrysler dealership (419) to Roberson Street (Attachment 4) at an estimated cost of $94,000; and
Option 3 - North side of the 500 and 600 blocks of
Option 4 – South side of
Although several of the alternative projects include cost
estimates that slightly exceed the available funding, we believe that minor
modifications to each could be developed, such as delaying the installation of
some site furnishings, to construct them at this time within the limited budget. We believe that each of these projects has
specific advantages and that they are likely to be undertaken at some point when
additional funding is available.
We recommend that the Council approve the attached resolution authorizing the Town Manager to submit a Specialty Lighting Request to Duke Power Company for the installation of Phase Two street and pedestrian lighting in two sections of West Franklin Street as indicated on the attached map and to allocate $95,000 of the remaining $96,000 balance of the 1996 Streets and Sidewalks bond for these proposed lighting improvements.
1. Map showing Streetscape construction completed to date (p. 5).
WHEREAS, the Council adopted the Downtown Streetscape Master Plan as part of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan; and
WHEREAS, lighting improvements are a fundamental part of the Town’s Downtown Streetscape Master Plan; and
WHEREAS, $96,000 currently exists in bond funding to implement a portion of the Streetscape Master Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Council has received a report from the Town Manager describing a plan for lighting improvements as well as four alternative plans for possible construction by Town labor forces in 2004; and
WHEREAS, available Town resources permit implementation of only one of the five options;
This the 14th day of April, 2004.