BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council hereby adopts the following resolutions and ordinances as submitted by the Town Manager in regard to the following:

  1. Minutes October 10, 19, 24, November 9, 14, and December 5.

  2. Nominations to Various Boards and Committees (R-2).

  3. Notification of Board and Commission Term Vacancies (R-3).

  4. Cleland Drive Cell Tower Lease Agreement (R-4).

  5. Budget Amendment: Receive Grant Funds/Allocate Percent for Art (O-1a, b).

  6. Request for Expedited Processing of a Zoning Atlas Amendment and Special Use Permit Modification Applications for the Wilson Assemblage Property (R-5).

  7. Response to Petition Regarding On-Street Parking Restrictions on Mason Farm Road and Whitehead Circle (O-2).

  8. Extending No Parking Area Limits at Intersection of San Sophia Drive and Telluride Trail (O-3).

  9. Establishing Handicapped Parking Space on Flemington Road (O-4).

  10. Response to Petition Regarding a Fit Community Designation and Grant Funding (R-6).

  11. Acceptance of State Funds for the Construction of Sidewalks and Street Improvements at Martin Luther King Jr., Blvd., Culbreth Road and Fordham Blvd.(R-7a, b, c, d, and 3) (O-5).

  12. Resolution to Close a Section of Highland Woods Road Right-of-Way (R-8).

This the 23rd day of January, 2006.