BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council hereby adopts the following resolutions and ordinances as submitted by the Town Manager in regard to the following:



a.           Minutes June 15, September 12, 19 (2 sets), and 26.

b.          Nominations to various boards and committees (R-3).

c.           Resolution to Increase Cablevision Public Access Fees by the Amount of the Inflation Factor (R-4).

d.          Resolution Authorizing the Disposition of Surplus Town Garbage Truck (R-5).

e.           Proposed Position Classification and Pay Changes (O-1).

f.           Acceptance of Easements from the Chapel Hill/Carrboro City School Board for Town Parks and Recreation Projects (R-6).

g.          Pilot Project for Wireless Access (R-7).

h.          Response to Petition re: Animal Control Ordinance Amendment (O-2).

i.            Report: Overview of Areas Under Consideration for Possible Future Annexation

(a)                  Resolution Identifying Areas Under Consideration for Possible Future Annexation (R-8).

(b)                  Discussion of Areas Under Consideration for Annexation by the Town in 2005.

j.            Resolution Continuing Public Hearing on Preliminary Plat Application for Bradley Green Subdivision (R-9).

k.          Comments on OWASA Utility Extensions Policy (R-10).

l.            US 15-501 Fixed Guideway Memorandum of Agreement (R-11).

m.        Request to Close a Section of Highland Woods Right-of-Way (R-12).

n.          Resolution Amending the Council Calendar (R-13).

o.          Ordinance Allocating Funds for Additional Staffing to Carry Out Town Communications Plan (O-3).

p.          Closure of a section of Rosemary Street Right of Way (R-14).

q.          Resolution Supporting the Orange County Economic Development Commission’s Five-Year Strategic Plan (R-15).

r.            Response to Petition Regarding Installation of a Traffic Signal at the Intersection of Meadowmont Lane and Sprunt Street/Cedar Club Circle (R-16).

s.           Authorization to Submit a Proposed Calculation of Operating Subsidy for the Public Housing Program for Calendar Year Beginning January 1, 2006 (R-16.1).


This the 21st day of November, 2005.