7:00 p.m. Town Council Regular Business Meeting
Estimated Time |
Agenda Item |
5 |
1. |
Ceremony – Proclamation recognizing the month of February 2000 as Human Relations Month. |
2. |
Public Hearing (none). |
15 |
3. |
Petitions by Citizens. |
a. |
Petitions by citizens on items on the agenda. |
* |
(1) Gary Dwyer regarding request for traffic counts for the northwest side of the Briarcliff/Ridgefield Park neighborhood before the Willow Drive bridge is reopened. (2) Claudia Sheppard for the Northwood Homeowners Association regarding request for a sidewalk along the west side of Airport Road extending from Weaver Dairy Road to Chapel Hill North. (3) Richard Goldberg for the Haw River Assembly regarding designation of impaired streams in Chapel Hill. (4) Joe Capowski requesting the easternmost block of Coolidge Street be closed to automobile traffic. |
b. |
Petitions by citizens on items not on the agenda. |
5 |
4. |
Consent agenda: action items (R-1). (Any item may be removed for separate consideration at the end of the Council meeting.) Manager recommends adoption. |
a. |
Resolution authorizing municipal agreement for improvement to railroad warning devices and budget ordinance (R-2) (O-1). |
b. |
c. |
Acceptance of HUD Drug Elimination Grant (R-3) (O-3). |
d. |
Budget amendment regarding appraisal of Old Municipal Building and Police Building (O-4). |
e. |
5 |
5. |
Consent agenda: information report. (Item may be removed for separate discussion at the end of the Council meeting.) |
a. |
b. |
c. |
Report regarding the work of the Neighbors of Speed, NC volunteer group. |
Resubmitted from January 10, 2000 Council Meeting: |
15 |
6. |
Continuation of January 24, 2000 Council Meeting: |
45 |
7. |
(Without objection, the Manager’s preliminary report and any other materials submitted at the hearing for consideration by the Council will be entered into the record.) |
a. |
(1) Swearing of persons wishing to present evidence. |
(2) Introduction and preliminary recommendation by the Manager. |
(3) Presentation by the Applicant. |
(4) Recommendation by the Planning Board. |
(5) Recommendations by other boards and commissions. |
(6) Comments by Citizens. |
(7) Questions by the Mayor and Council Members. |
(8) Applicant’s statement regarding proposed conditions. |
(9) Motion to recess. |
b. |
Consideration of resolutions (R- 6a, b, c, d, e, f, g). |
15 |
8. |
15 |
9. a. |
Presentation of Chapel Hill Transit 25th Anniversary Review Committee Final Report. |
b. |
Resolution thanking the Committee and referring the report to the Manager for follow-up (R-7). |
10 |
10. |
Authorization for sale of $4,700,000 in General Obligation bonds (R-8). |
10 |
11. |
Plans for extending services to proposed annexation areas (R-9) (R-10). |
15 |
12. |
15 |
13. |
Potential property relocation of municipal operations functions (R-12). |
10 |
14. |
10 |
15. |
Adoption of Order regarding Time Warner Cable FCC filings (R-14). |
5 |
16. |
Petitions. |
a. |
By the Mayor and Council Members. |
b. |
By the Manager and Attorney. |
-- |
17. |
Reserved for discussion of consent agenda items if necessary. |
-- |
18. |
Request for closed session to discuss property acquisition, personnel, and litigation matters. |